Harry Wertz und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harry Wertz)
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NotoperationManager Magazin

— ZUVERLÄSSIG CEO Harry Wertz hält bei Otto Bock die Stellung, wenn Näder ausfällt. Foto: NIKLAS RICHTER Millionen Euro zahlt Brennecke ...

Generation change 4.0 at Ottobock / German medtech company sets...

Longstanding CFO Harry Wertz (60) will exclusively continue his role as CEO with the Otto Bock Holding GmbH & CoKG. The head of the Näder Family Office,

Well equipped for future challenges - Sycor - SYCOR GmbH

Harry Wertz is overseeing the sale as the CEO of Ottobock Holding. The next step will now consist of the submission of indicative offers by the interested parties. Suitable potential investors will then be selected on a preliminary basis.

Generation Change 4.0 at Ottobock - Newswire.ca

— Longstanding CFO Harry Wertz (60) will exclusively continue his role as CEO with the Otto Bock Holding GmbH & CoKG. › generati...