News Hisham Matar

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Anatomy of a Disappearance, By Hisham Matar
[Independent] - Hisham Matar's first novel, 2006's In the Country of Men, was shortlisted for the Booker prize. That helped Matar win a sudden dose of attention, only made more intense by a tragic personal background. Matar is from Libya, but grew up in Cairo.

Guardian: Anatomy of a Disappearance by Hisham Matar – review

[The Guardian] - Hisham Matar has one overwhelming subject, the lost father. His new novel begins with it: "There are times when my father's absence is as heavy as a child sitting on my chest." That heavy subject has a powerful autobiographical compulsion.

Google News: Hisham Matar y lo que pasa en Libia

[] - Y al final mencionaba el caso de mi amigo Hisham Matar, autor de una bellísima novela titulada Solo en el mundo y víctima directa del régimen de Gadafi. En 1980, cuando Matar tenía 9 años, la oposición de su padre al régimen obligó a la familia a salir

Libyan Author Hisham Matar Reflects on Uprising
[The Takeaway] - Libyan author and activist Hisham Matar says he hasn't slept at all since the revolt began. Matar's father was kidnapped in and is believed to be held in a prison in Libya ever since. Matar has been struggling to get information out of Libya as he

The political power of literature
[] - Joining us to discuss these electrifying moments are: Ahdaf Soueif, an internationally acclaimed Egyptian writer and cultural commentator; and Hisham Matar, an exiled Libyan writer, whose father, a political dissident, was kidnapped in never to be

"We're Witnessing the Violent Lashings of a Dying Beast": Gaddafi's Brutal ...
[Huffington Post (blog)] - For the latest news from Libya, Democracy Now! interviews Hisham Matar, a renowned Libyan novelist who is based in London. He is the son of a prominent Libyan dissident, and he is currently helping to run an ad hoc news desk informing the Western media Högern är de stora Gaddafi-kramarna

[Aftonbladet] - Den suggestiva romanen Ingen i världen av Hisham Matar skildrar inträngande Gaddafi-regimens förföljelser mot oliktänkande. Jag läste den i somras och kom då att tänka på en helt annan skildring av Libyen. Jo då, i bokhyllan stod Anarkistisk tidskrift

El Estado soy yo
[El Paí (España)] la desaparición entre muchas otras, sin dejar huella, del padre del novelista Hisham Matar; la participación de sus servicios secretos en el atentado de Lockerbie en 1988, en el que perecieron 270 pasajeros; el repugnante proceso de las desdichadas

Libye : la leçon de journalisme du Guardian
[Le Post (Blog)] - Un ami du romancier Hisham Matar contacte The Guardian. Une garnison de Tripoli est ravitaillée en munitions par huit hélicos qui les larguent ; deux auraient été abattus selon des sources non confirmées. Je vous passe les heures exactes (fastidieux et

Líbia: Revolta popular espontânea e sem liderança definida
[Diário Digital] - As pessoas não agitam bandeiras [partidárias] e há um particular sentimento de respeito pelos advogados e juízes, porque foram eles que começaram os protestos junto dos tribunais na noite de 15 e 16 de fevereiro», indica o escritor Hisham Matar

Nine Twitterers To Follow For News On Libya
[UN Dispatch] - Hisham Matar is a novelist from (among other places) Libya. Matar's tweets are less about reporting events on the ground and more about providing original commentary on Libyan events. Abdurahman Warsame is a broadcast journalist for Al Jazeera and a

Anatomy of a Disappearance
[Financial Times] - Hisham Matar's second novel, Anatomy of a Disappearance, is a beautifully crafted tale coiled around an enigma. Nuri, the narrator, is 14 years old when his father Kamal is kidnapped from an apartment in Geneva. The mystery surrounding the abduction

Libyan dissident says speech won't save regime
[ABC Online] - Hisham Matar has also been in close contact with protesters in Benghazi and Tripoli. Hisham Matar, Colonel Gaddafi's son has just been giving an address on state television. What is your sense of what the regime is trying to achieve with this address?

Guardian: Gaddafis warn their departure would lead to endless war in Libya. Why?

[The Guardian] - Forty-one years of disappearances, summary executions, theft and corruption, and 41 years of humiliation. • Hisham Matar is the son of a prominent Libyan dissident and author of the Booker shortlisted novel In the Country of Men.

Guardian: Once upon a life: Hisham Matar

[The Guardian] - Then another said, almost irritated at the error, "No, four." Now I could see the figures, their colour only slightly darker than the desert floor. Hisham Matar's latest book Anatomy of a Disappearance (Viking, £16.99) is published on 3 March.

Libyen: Polizei schießt mit scharfer Munition auf die Menschen
[] - Doch falls Gaddafi in seiner derzeit wohl schlimmsten Machtkrise den Kampf mit dem Volk tatsächlich verlieren sollte, dürfte wohl gleich die ganze Herrscherfamilie verjagt werden. „Die Libyer“, sagte der im Exil lebende Schriftsteller Hisham Matar

Google News: Empañan más protestas la transición en Egipto

[Noroeste] - El 21 de enero, el novelista libio Hisham Matar escribió en el diario británico The Guardian que los libios estaban tan hambrientos de un Gobierno justo como los tunecinos, pero la falta de instituciones flexibles haría más difícil su labor.

[] - Im Exil lebende Regimegegner wie Hisham Matar twittern zwar seit Jahren gegen das Gaddafi-Regime an - unter dem greisen Oberst müsse das Volk "genauso Hunger leiden wie in Tunesien." Dass aber ein in Tripolis lebende Rapper seine Anti-Gaddafi-Songs

Hisham Matar on Writing and Revolution
[New Yorker (blog)] - Hisham Matar's story “Naima,” about a young boy in Cairo, appeared in the magazine shortly before demonstrations broke out in Egypt against the rule of Hosni Mubarak. Matar, who spent his early childhood in Libya, moved to Cairo when he was nine

"En Libia el pueblo tiene más miedo que en los países vecinos"
[El Paí (España)] - Como otros muchos escritores e intelectuales árabes, el novelista Hisham Matar se alegró del éxito de la revolución tunecina y ahora está pendiente del desenlace de la egipcia. Pero junto con las razones generales que le incitaron a celebrarlo, Matar

Matthew Bell: The IoS Diary ( )
[Independent] - Last week the London-based novelist Hisham Matar received the wonderful news that two of his uncles have been released from prison in Libya, 21 years after their imprisonment. The author of the Booker-shortlisted In the Country of Men has spent two

Auch im Staat Gaddafis gärt es schon
[Tagesspiegel] - „Gaddafi öffnet sich nach außen, aber nach innen nicht“, beklagen Bürgerrechtler: „Wir Libyer“, schreibt der im Londoner Exil lebende Schriftsteller Hisham Matar, „sehnen uns genauso nach einer gerechten und verantwortlichen Regierung wie unsere

The Return: Fathers, Sons and the Land in Between by Hisham Matar |...
In the novelist Hisham Matar went back to the country — Libya — that he had left as a child three decades earlier. Colonel Gaddafi was ...

A Month in Siena by Hisham Matar - book review | London › Lifestyle › Books
Hisham Matar is the London-based Libyan author of two fine autobiographical novels, In the Country of Men, 2006, and Anatomy of a ...

Grenfell Fire: Author Hisham Matar reflects on the disaster - BBC News
Pulitzer prize winning author Hisham Matar on what Grenfell tells us about how society overvalues appearance

NZZ: Hisham Matar sucht seinen Vater: Weh dem, der widersteht - › feuilleton › hisham-matar-sucht-seinen-vater-weh-dem-der-...

· Hisham Matar ist der Sohn eines libyschen Oppositionellen, der in Ghadhafis Kerkern verschwand. Sein neues Buch lotet den Abgrund ...

Hisham Matar: ‘There is no beginning or end’ - The Globe and Mail
Matar’s latest book, The Return, recounts his journey to Libya, where his father had been prisoner for over 20 years, after the fall of dictator Muammar Qaddafi

Recension: Analys av ett försvinnande - Hisham Matar | SvD
RECENSION. UNDFLYENDE Saknaden efter en kidnappad fader har en bakgrund i författaren Hisham Matars liv. I romanen ”Analys av ett försvinnande”...

Hisham Matar über Libyen - › kultur › kulturzeit › hisham-matar-ueber-libyen-100
· Für sein Buch über die Suche nach dem verschollenen Vater ist Hisham Matar am 20. November in München mit dem ... Anmeldelse av roman «Hjemkomsten» av Hisham Matar – Kultur

Hisham Matars foreldre er fra Libya, men måtte flykte. Nå bor han i London. I den nye boken skriver han om hvordan det er å lete etter faren som er forsvunnet.

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