Ismail Shammout Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ismail Shammout)


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Uncharted territories - The Boston Globe
And as someone who experienced firsthand the Nakba, the Palestinian ''catastrophe" of 1948, Ismail Shammout, with his canvases of broken people against barren

The colours of pain | Uae – Gulf News
They were born in Palestine sometime in the Thirties, she a few years later than him. Her childhood was spent in Jaffa and his in Lydda.

Guardian: Artists of the Palestinian revolution | Art and design | The Guardian

The artists engaged in the 1970s Palestinian revolution have until now remained silent about their experience. A new exhibition conveys the sense of belonging...

Featured Artist: Ismail Shammout | Kashmir Images Newspaper
· One such artist was Palestinian born Ismail Shammout. Shammout was born in in the Palestinian agricultural town of Lydda. His family was ...
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Vorname "Ismail" (4108)
Name "Shammout" (11)
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