News Israfil Yilmaz

(1 - 22 von 32
) IS: Nicht Moscheen, sondern Freundeskreise sind die Anwerber |...

Der Westen muss ein paar Illusionen aufgeben. Sonst überlässt er das

Ex-Mann sagt: - Befreite IS-Braut hatte "glückliches Leben" |
Der Fall einer Niederländerin, die angeblich ihre 19-jährige Tochter aus den Fängen des Islamischen Staates in Syrien befreit hatte, ging um die ...

Global jihadists tweet in bid to recruit Ferguson protesters | Fox...
... a prominent Dutch jihadist in Syria going by the name of Israfil Yilmaz, and carrying “Ferguson Rising” and “Ferguson Decision” hashtags.

“Hartenbreker van ISIS” gedood bij luchtaanval - Het › cnt › dmf20...
De Nederlandse ex-militair Israfil Yilmaz trok in naar Syrië om ISIS-strijder te worden. Sinds hij zelf online foto's deelde met kleine katjes ...

Slik trener han Jihad-krigerne – VG
Da Israfil Yilmaz reiste til Syria høsten 2012, visste han at det var ingen vei tilbake. Valget var tatt. Han tenkte at alt han hadde gjort i livet, var ...

Jihadi John’s drink & drugs binges – The Sun
CAGE research director Asim Qureshi, 32, and Dutch ex-soldier Israfil Yilmaz, 26, were to appear via video link at a conference in East London ...

Israfil Yilmaz - latest news, breaking stories and comment › topic › i...
Israfil Yilmaz. Middle East · Dutch Isis fighter answers questions on Tumblr.

Bundeswehr bereitet Kurden auf Chemieangriff vor - WELT
Geheimdienste warnen, dass der Islamische Staat Giftgas besitzt – und bereits gezielt einsetzt Sein Spitzname war „Knuffel-Dschihadist“ – ISIS killte eigenen...

Er war einer der bekanntesten ausländischen Kämpfer in Syrien: der niederländisch-türkische Islamist Israfil Yilmaz, der durch Streitkräfte beider Länder...

ISIS fighter from Holland answers Tumblr questions | The Independent
A Dutch citizen who says he is fighting on behalf of Isis in Syria has been answering questions about life in the self-proclaimed caliphate to spread...

Israfil Yilmaz - Sputnik › tags › person...
Israfil Yilmaz. Actualités, analyses, multimédia. Retrouvez plus d'infos sur le site Sputnik France.

Islamischer Staat ist in Besitz von Chemiewaffen - WELT
Nach mehreren Angriffen ist klar: Der Islamische Staat hat Chemiewaffen. Geheimdiensten ist das Risiko schon lange bekannt. Jetzt wird auch die Ausbildung der...

Israfil Yilmaz: Latest News, Photos and Videos on ABP › Topic
No Record Found For ISRAFIL YILMAZ. ABP News. Hindi | हिंदी. English | इंग्लिश · Bengali | বাংলা · Marathi | मराठी · Punjabi | ...

Ask A Jihadi: An ISIS Fighter's Blog About Life In Syria
Chechclear's real name is Israfil Yilmaz, a 29-year-old fighter in Syria who has been active for years on social media, regularly answering ...

Brit jihadist fighting in Syria tweets asking how he can stop beard...
Jihadist Abu Fulan al-Muhajir has been begging fellow militants in Syria for advice on dealing with split ends in his beard and where he can buy hair...

Dutch Jihadi Reacts to ‘Relentless’ U.S. Airstrikes in Syria: ‘Many...
"Like cowards from the sky," Israfil Yilmaz (@chechclearr), who identifies his location as “the Battlefields of Syria,” tweeted on September 23.

Jihadists Respond to U.S. Aerial Attacks in Syria, Call for...
The account of Dutch jihadist "Israfil Yilmaz" referred to the attacks as being delivered by "cowards from the sky" and followed up, "This is like ...

Turkestan Islamic Party in Syria - The Line of Steel
In Nov, I noted that around a dozen TIP fighters were photographed in Syria by Israfil Yilmaz, a former Dutch soldier turned jihadi trainer. Yilmaz ...

Video Posted By Kurdish News Agency, Posts By ISIS Fighters Suggest...
Israfil Yilmaz, a fighter in Syria, tweeted[3] on October 27, "Whats the biggie of the Mujahideen talking to Turkish soldiers? I always chat to them ...

Jihadists React to U.S. Torture Report, Call for Retaliation and...
The U.S. Senate's report on the CIA's post interrogation tactics, which included graphic accounts of torture, has ignited an overwhelming response from...

U.S. downplays gains by Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria - Los Angeles...
Al Qaeda-linked fighters have overrun key northern bastions of U.S.

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