About Jap-Rain-Drain Person-Info 

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Blog: It's hard to get excited about rain-changing-to-snow scenarios...

Our last big system was a disappointment because it was a snow-changing-to-rain scenario, and the rain washed away the little snow that we ...

Jefferson County decides to rename Jap Road - Houston Chronicle

Cokinos said he was in New York City last weekend and saw a story in the New York Times about Jap Road. "I really felt ashamed," he said.

Farmers positive, nervous about rain - The West Australian

WA farmers positive, nervous about rain Farmers are bullish on this year's grain growing season. Confidence is soaring among WA farmers as ...

Bob Dylan | 30 great songs about rain - Music

We all hate miserable weather but rain seems to bring out the creativity in musician: here are 30 of the best songs about Britain's most reliable companion.
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