Jimmy Kimmel und Hollywood Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jimmy Kimmel)
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Jimmy Kimmel -- an elitist creep who needs to shut up - Washington...

This is why America hates Hollywood.

Jimmy Kimmel claims Trump lied about their interaction: 'None of that...

Jimmy Kimmel accused President Trump of lying about the ABC late-night host waiting outside his studio on Hollywood Boulevard to eagerly open Trump’s car door...

Jimmy Kimmel's tears aren't helping Las Vegas victims or decreasing...

The divisive message from Hollywood is loud and clear: If you’re a conservative, if you’re a gun owner, you are the monsters who have caused this.

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New York (dpa) - Auf sehr direkte Art hat sich Hollywood-Star Johnny Depp (50) für ein Kompliment von US-Talkshowmoderator Jimmy Kimmel ...