News Johan Lembke

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American Football aktuell - Gymnasium Wenströmska geht neue Wege
Gymnasium Wenströmska geht neue Wege - American Football in der Schule zu lernen ist sicherlich keine neue Idee, doch nur selten erkennen Schulleitungen die...

AMBA accreditation for EMBA - Stockholm Business School
It is with great pleasure we hereby announce that our Executive MBA Programme was awarded AMBA accreditation on May 10:th, Congratulations to this...

Stockholms universitet startar MBA-utbildning för offentlig sektor -...
Stockholms universitet startar särskild MBA-utbildning, Master of Business Administration, riktad till personer inom offentlig sektor. Delar av ...

The euro: menace or milestone? - The Baltic Times
; Johan Lembke. The outcome of the Swedish referendum on the euro – a crushing defeat for those who believe in deeper European integration – will ... › news