John Delorean Person-Info 

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) Hätten Sie´s gewusst? | heise Autos

Hier kommen fünf Dinge, die Sie vielleicht noch nicht über John DeLorean und seinen berühmten Sportwagen wussten Jump-Starting the E-Car Revolution: New Mercedes Has Tesla Technology...

Mercedes and Toyota are bringing new electric cars onto the market that rely on technology from the Californian automaker Tesla. The startup company, whose...

Great Scott! DeLorean back from the dead - CNN Style
"John DeLorean was the text book bad boy of car design," says co-writer and producer of Back to the Future, Bob Gale. "He was the guy who ...

John DeLorean, 80, automaker | The Seattle › nation-world › john-delorea...
· John DeLorean, 80, automaker ... John Z. DeLorean, the dashing former General Motors executive whose flamboyant lifestyle faded into obscurity ...
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