John Huston Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Huston)


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'Lights Out' boxing drama on small screen
[Youngstown Vindicator] the father who trains him (Stacy Keach, memorably a boxer himself in John Huston's “Fat City”), the brother who has mismanaged his money (an excellent

Eastwood 'will never stop filming'
[Digital Spy] - "I was always curious why somebody like Billy Wilder would stop making movies in his sixties when someone like John Huston was directing when he was in a

Google News: He's Exorcised Satan, And Now Narrating A Hit Franchise

[] - He's worked with directors like Ingmar Bergman, John Huston, Woody Allen and Steven Spielberg. He's played Jesus and exorcised the devil.

Susannah York: The English rose with a mean right hook (as many a bruised co ...
[Daily Mail] - So when macho film director John Huston made a nasty bullying joke about Montgomery Clift, her co-star on the film Freud, Susannah went bonkers.
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