News Karina Van Dijk

(1 - 5 von 5

Asbo bans Walton teen from St John's Estate - Surrey Live
A TEENAGER has been banned from entering a housing estate in Walton due to his ‘increasingly concerning’ behaviour in the area.

38-jarige Karina dood in woning - › event
· Het slachtoffer - de 38-jarige Karina van Dijk - overleed ter plaatse. Volgens buurtbewoners verbleef de vrouw regelmatig in de woning.

Police granted Walton 'crack house' closure order - Surrey Live
A CRACK house in Walton has been successfully closed by Surrey Police.

Court upholds teenage girl's two-year Asbo - Surrey › ... › Surrey Police
· But Karina van Dijk, North Surrey Asbo manager, told the court that Surrey Police had never been part of any agreement.
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