Kaspar Schröder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kaspar Schröder)


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Q&A with Kaspar Schröder: ‘My Playground’ - Worldnews.com

Ray Kouguell It’s called parkour, or free running; participants run, jump, swing and tumble over just about any object or piece of architecture in their path....

Q&A with Kaspar Schröder: ‘My Playground’

Schröder's film is about a Danish parkour team from Copenhagen who demonstrate how a city landscape can be transformed beyond its physical boundaries

Abekatte på Bjerget | Kultur | DR

Ny dansk film viser moderne arkitektur set igennem unge, der dyrker parkour. Filmen følger, hvordan de springer rundt på VM-husene i Ørestaden.
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