Linus Torvalds und Open Source Person-Info 

( Ich bin Linus Torvalds)
(1 - 28 von 37
) Linus Torvalds wechselt von Transmeta ins OSDL | heise online

Linux-Erfinder Linus Torvalds verlässt Transmeta und wechselt in das Open Source Development Lab (OSDL), um ganz am Linux-Kernel zu arbeiten.

Linus Torvalds Remembers the Days Before 'Open Source' - The New Stack
I contacted Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux (as well as git, another nearly universally-used open source program). “I honestly can't ...

Linus Torvalds is Back in Charge of Linux - Slashdot
At Open Source Summit Europe in Edinburgh, Scotland, Linus Torvalds is meeting with Linux's top 40 or so developers at the Maintainers' Summit. This is his...

Linus Torvalds is back at the helm of Linux | › news › linus...
Linus Torvalds is back in charge of Linux, following a self-imposed break from his duties pertaining to the open source operating system.