Lucian Hölscher und Religion Person-Info 

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Lucian Hölscher: Schatten des Bösen - Religionswissenschaft
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Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and ...
(Chair: Lucian Hölscher, Modern History, Bochum, Germany) Troubles with Pluralism: Conceptualizing Religious Diversity outside the Box, Tomoko Masuzawa, History and Comparative Literature, Ann Arbor (MI), USA Response, Aslam Syed, Philosophy of History, Islamabad, Pakistan

Research Field 3 - KHK - Ruhr-Universität Bochum
by Lucian Hölscher. In Research Field 3 one of the main discussions concerning the emergence, change and transfer of religious concepts is about the character of religious languages: Can „religion“ be described by certain concepts, idioms or ways of communication, which may be …