News Luis Giusti

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) Blut für Öl | Telepolis

Über die ein wenig verdeckteren Motive der amerikanischen Kriegsvorbereitung

MANDINI, NUEVO JEFE DE LA ESTATAL PDVSA - Archivo Digital de Noticias...
El presidente electo de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, designó ayer, a 24 horas de su posesión, uno de los nombramientos más esperados durante su gobierno. Se trata...

Luis Giusti - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times
Latest news and commentary on Luis Giusti including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.

Google News - Luis Giusti López - Aktuell
Mit Google News kannst du zum Thema Luis Giusti López vollständige Artikel lesen, Videos ansehen und in Tausenden von Titeln stöbern.

“La oferta de crudo de Venezuela puede entrar en caída libre” |...
Giusti, que dejó voluntariamente la presidencia de PDVSA el mismo día en que Chávez asumió la presidencia, asegura que si el desgobierno de Maduro se...

Oil industry locks horns with Chavez - BBC › americas
Workers in Venezuela's crucial oil industry consider a strike in protest at changes seen by many as favouring President Chavez.

Stanford's movers and shakers - The Globe and Mail
Advisory board membership reflected alleged fraudster's penchant for name-dropping

AGM - Poll Results
LONDON, June 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Shell Transport held its Annual General Meeting today at ExCeL, 1 Western Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, London E16. A...

Global Oil and Venezuela - Market Dynamics, Risks and Realities, With...
Global Oil and Venezuela: Market Dynamics, Risks and Realities   The British Venezuelan Society and Canning House invite you to join them for the inaugural: '...

Demokratie made in USA - Lateinamerika Nachrichten
Der damalige PDVSA-Vorsitzende Luis Giusti ist heute Berater des US-Präsidenten Bush in Erdölangelegenheiten. Die Unternehmensleitung von SAIC in den USA ist prominent besetzt: neben den Ex-US-Verteidigungsministern William Perry und Melvin Laird sitzen dort die ehemaligen CIA-Leiter John Deutsch und Robert Gates sowie Max Thurman, der ...

Oil expertise from Venezuela gives Colombia's industry a boost - Los...
Oil expertise from Venezuela gives Colombia's industry a boost

Venezuela Rejects U.S. Ruling on Alleged PDVSA Expropriation of...
Venezuela officials believe a ruling by a U.S. government agency that awared compensation to a U.S. firm based on allegations of expropiation by PDVSA, may be...

Der staatliche Erdölkonzern PdVSA in Venezuela soll zur globalen Energiemacht ausgebaut werden. So plant es zumindest Präsident Chávez. Ein teures Unterfangen,...

Nato-Sicherheitskonferenz Feb Blabla - GSF - Das Vespa...
Aufruf zu Protesten gegen das Treffen der Welt-Kriegselitein München am Februar Bei der jährlichen ”Münchner Konferenz für Sicherheitspolitik”...

Estado debe pagar $ a campesino por no darle cédula – La Nación
El Tribunal Contencioso Administrativo, con sede en Goicoechea, condenó al Estado a pagar $ al campesino Gerónimo Abarca Jirón por dejarlo 34 años sin...

Rival board of PdV joint venture unit starts work | Argus Media
Venezuela's self-declared interim government has expanded its nominal administrative authority over the national oil industry with the naming of a parallel...

Venezuala's oil giant PDVSA looks to former employees to › energy › ven...
“The loss of technically competent people is one of the most limiting factors,” said Luis Giusti, who resigned as PDVSA's chief executive the day ...

Will energy sanctions on Venezuela backfire? | Miami Herald
As Washington mulls sanctions on Venezuela, analysts warn that trying strangle the nation’s economy is no simple task. And some believe the act could backfire.

Petrobras - Amerika - Wertpapier Forum
... Sir Mark Moody-Stuart von Royal Dutch Shell (2001), Thierry Desmarest von Total (2000), Lucio A. Noto von ExxonMobil (1999), Luis Giusti ...
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