Netzwerk-Profile Majid Abdul Jalil

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NATO's Libya War Unraveling
[Bay Area Indymedia] - Unconfirmed reports say TNC chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil "fled to Egypt," seeking military junta protection. Anti-TNC "revolts have broken cities under their control. Benghazi, Darnah, and Tobruk have all witnessed a social uprising of the

Resignation sets in for Libya rebels
[Los Angeles Times] - The council president, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, said recently that he could envision a scenario in which Kadafi remained in Libya. But he quickly backtracked under pressure from other council members. The current rebel position is that Kadafi must be put

'Assad, world silence killing us' DEATH OF MILITARY CHIEF WEAKENS LIBYA REBELS
[Arab Times Kuwait English Daily] - Later, rebel political leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil said Younis had been summoned for questioning on military matters but was shot dead with two aides before he arrived. He said the rebels had arrested a suspect, but had not found the bodies.

Google News: Tham mưu trưởng quân nổi dậy Libya bị ám sát chết

[Người Việt] - BENGHAZI, Libya (Al Jazeera) – Chủ tịch Hội đồng Chính quyền Lâm thời Libya, ông Mustafa Abdul Jalil, trong một buổi họp báo tại thủ đô của lưc lượng nổi dậy ở Benghazi, loan báo tướng tham mưu trưởng Abdel Fatah Younes và hai cận vệ của ông bị những