Martijn Van Koten Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martijn Van Koten)


(1 - 4 von 25

Shell shuts some units at biggest refinery after fire
"All the crude distillation units, all the processing units are running at the moment in a stable situation," said Martijn van Koten, vice president for ...

Shell shuts some Singapore refinery units after fire | Reuters
A fire that forced Royal Dutch Shell to shut down some units and evacuate non-essential staff at its massive Singapore refinery on Wednesday has been contained...

globo: G1 - Incêndio atinge refinaria da Shell em Cingapura e paralisa...

... dando andamento a um fechamento gradual da refinaria", afirmou o vice-presidente de operações de produção da Shell, Martijn van Koten.

Borealis: Gewinn im dritten Quartal stabilisiert |
LINZ/WIEN. Minus nach neun Monaten trotzdem 27 Prozent.
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Name "van Koten" (30)
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