Martijn Van Koten und Aspen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martijn Van Koten)
(1 - 8 von 8

Borealis selects Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance software
Martijn van Koten, Executive VP of Operations at Borealis, said: “Aspen Mtell predictive maintenance software's ease of implementation will ...

Chemicals company selects Aspen PM software to improve reliability
google plus · facebook · twitter · linkedin · google plus ... a priority for us,” Borealis Executive Vice President Operations Martijn van Koten said.

Borealis выбрала Aspen Mtell для прогностического обслуживания с...
Aspen Mtell собирает данные как по истории производственных операций и технического обслуживания, так и по операциям...

Chemicals company selects Aspen PM software to improve reliability
... to bring transparency to all our operating processes is a priority for us,” Borealis Executive Vice President Operations Martijn van Koten said.
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Name "van Koten" (30)