News Mary Bale

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Mujer tira a gato a basura... Ciberturba la odia
[El Universal (México)] - En Facebook, hay un grupo llamado "Death To Mary Bale Cat Abuser", algo así como muerte a Mary Bale, la abusadora de gatos, qu ya tiene más de 18 mil

Wyrzuciła kota do śmietnika, teraz ma ochronę
[TVP] - Osobą, która z premedytacją uwięziła zwierzę w koszu na śmieci, okazała się niewinnie wyglądająca urzędniczka w starszym wieku (fot. Mary Bale

Kediyi Çöp Konteynerine Atan Kadın Özür Diledi
[Haberler] - Görüntüleri İngiltere başta olmak üzere çeşitli Avrupa ülkelerinde yayınlanınca bir anda tepkilerin odağında yer alan Mary Bale, “Lola” isimli 4 yaşındaki

Vrouw die Lola in vuilnisbak gooide, snapt heisa niet: "Het is toch maar een kat?"
[Het Laatste Nieuws] - De 45-jarige bankbediende Mary Bale zegt dat ze slechts met Lola speelde, en vraagt zich af waar alle ophef eigenlijk over is. "Het is toch maar een kat?

Kattekasteren Mary (45) vil be katten om unnskyldning
[VG Nett] - (VG Nett) - Jeg mente ikke å skade noen, sier Mary Bale (45). Nå vil hun møte katten hun kastet i søpla og dens eiere for å be om unnskyldning. Hele England hader kvinden der smed katten ud

[] - For Mary Bale på 45 år ligner såmænd en ganske almindelig respektabel kvinde. Og hun forstår faktisk ikke rigtig, hvorfor folk er blevet så gale over

A big softie: The Diary, 26 August 2010
[Herald Scotland] - “Put it in a wheelie bin,” says Mary Bale of Coventry. The 10 funniest jokes of the Edinburgh Fringe were announced by TV station Dave last week.

'Mary Bale' Kills Kitten In New Fox Attack
[ (satire)] - For purposes of identification (it's what Aesop would have wanted) let's call the fox Mary Bale. “I was gobsmacked. I won't leave my windows open at night

Google News: Unbranding Is The Ingenius Marketing Ploy To Keep D-listers Off Your Branded Goods

[ (satire)] - LOOK out for Mary Bale posing with a Gucci wallet and BHS blouse as the unbranding scam gathers momentum. Simon Doonan spots that fashion houses and PRs are

No headline - wbriefs
[San Angelo Standard Times] - Online footage of Mary Bale tossing 4-year-old Lola into a trash bin and closing the lid sparked angry messages online pledging retribution, and police had

New tropical storm forms in the Atlantic
[] - LONDON: Mary Bale, caught on camera dumping a neighbor's cat into the garbage and leaving it for 15 hours, has apologized for "misjudgment."

Perempuan si Pembuang Lola: Ah Itu Hanya Seekor Kucing!
[Tribunnews] - "Ah, itu hanya seekor kucing," kata perempuan berusia 45 tahun bernama Mary Bale, seorang pegawai bank dari Coventry, Inggris, seperti dilansir The Sun

Google News: Sagt opp etter GPS-overvåking

[Fædrelandsvennen] - Mary Bale må ha politibeskyttelse og blir truet etter at hun kastet en katt i søpla. Etter å ha gransket loggen fra GPS-ene som er montert i avfallsbilene i

Google News: Englische Tier-Hasserin sperrt Katze Lola in Mülltonne

[Berliner Umschau] - Doch die 45jährige Mary Bale greift das kleine Tier; schleudert es in den Müll, schließt, offenbar genüßlich, die Tonne. Erst nach 15 Stunden wird Lola um 8

Kot podzielił Brytyjczyków
[Rzeczpospolita] - Policja szybko ustaliła, że na nagraniu widać 45-letnią urzędniczkę bankową Mary Bale. Rozpoczęta w Internecie akcja wymknęła się jednak spod kontroli.

GB : la dame qui n'aime pas les chats aime le LOL
[Rue89] - Mary Bale, une employée de banque de 45 ans, résidant à Coventry dans le centre de l'Angleterre, a expliqué qu'elle avait enfermé le chat « pour faire une

Mary Bale, la Britannique qui envoie les chats à la poubelle
[RTBF] - C'était "pour faire une blaque", se défend Mary Bale, une employée de banque de 45 ans. "C'est juste un chat", estime la Britannique qui s'étonne que cette

[Daily Mash (satire)] - Charity shop model Mary Bale will record a range of feline-related covers for her debut CD, including The Cure's Love Cats, Cool for Cats by Squeeze and

Google News: Kissan roskikseen pudottanut pyytää anteeksi

[MTV3] vuotias Mary Bale silitti 4-vuotiasta Lola-kissaa, kunnes nosti tämän niskasta ja pudotti jäteastiaan. Kissa lojui jäteastiassa 15 tuntia, ennen kuin sen

Google News: Kukába dobta a macskát, Facebookon a halálát követelik - videó

[] - A brit Mary Bale-nek a Facebook-on saját csoportja van. Tagjai mind a halálát követelik, mert kukába dobott egy macskát. A Youtube-on is megtekinthető az a

Google News: Žena, která vyhodila kočku: Byla to legrace!

[] - Bankovní úřednice Mary Bale (45) se teď musí ze svého činu zodpovídat. Místo toho, aby se kála a alespoň omluvila, nechápe, jaký humbuk se strhl.

Google News: Kamera na ulici ujela žensko, ki je "za šalo“ v smetnjak vrgla mačko

[Dnevnik/si] - London - Kamera na eni od ulic Londona je ujela 45-letno Mary Bale, ki je mačko zaprla v zaboj za smeti. Bančni delavki se je zdelo, da bi „bilo vse skupaj

Google News: Britanki, ki je v smetnjak zaprla mačko, grozijo s smrtjo

[Delo] - London - Mary Bale je v opravičilu povedala, da ne ve zakaj je storila to grozljivo dejanje. "Rada bi izkoristila to priložnost in se iskreno opravičila za

Animals starved and dumped in river
[Independent] - The middle-aged woman, identified by the RSPCA yesterday as Mary Bale, was seen petting the animal on camera, before looking around and picking the cat up

Woman who put cat in bin apologises | The Times
Mary Bale, a 45-year-old bank worker, became a national hate figure after the cat's owners posted CCTV footage on YouTube on Monday afer ...

Katze rächt sich an Tierquälerin - Welt - Österreich /
Die Tierquälerin, eine Bankangestellte namens Mary Bale, hat sich inzwischen entschuldigt. Dennoch hat sie bereits einige Morddrohungen erhalten. Auf einer Anti-Bale-Facebook-Seite wird sie sogar als "Schlimmer als Hitler" bezeichnet. ...

British woman who put cat in garbage bin speaks out: 'It's just a...
By Glenn JohnsonThe woman who tossed a cat into a sealed garbage bin in Britain can’t understand why thousands of people around the world are making a... 300€ Strafe für Katzenquälerin - Diese Strafe schreckt doch nicht ab!...

Die Britin Mary Bale wurde durch eine Überwachungskamera der Nachbarn überführt: Mary Bale warf die Katze ihrer Nachbarn in eine Mülltonne. Das

Woman Who Threw Cat in Trash Can Gets Paltry Fine |
Any way you shake it, this was not the purr-fect ending for those who wanted justice to be handed out to the British woman filmed dumping a cat into a trash...

UK cat dumper pleads guilty to cruelty charge
Mary Bale, the widely-reviled British woman caught on CCTV throwing Lola the cat into a garbage can, pleaded guilty Tuesday to causing ...
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Person "Bale" (1)
Vorname "Mary" (13882)
Name "Bale" (139)