News Melissa Gorman

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London Olympics Test Event Review, An Insider's Look at the Open Water Race Site
[] - Sixth-place finisher Melissa Gorman (AUS) seemed to take on the whole race as practice for the event in that she spent some time in the lead, some time in the pack, and took advantage of great feeds on each lap. As stated in the race preview;

Guardian: Keri-Anne Payne on the perils of the long-distance Olympic swimmer

[The Guardian] - Melissa Gorman [the Australian] hung with me for a while in the third lap. "We were level when we rounded the buoy but she had a bad turn and fell behind. But there was a big gap between the leading three and the rest. It was something like 13 seconds

The Road to London: 12 months out from the Olympics
[ABC Online] - Ky Hurst is the first male on the team, joining fellow Queenslander and open water swimmer Melissa Gorman after strong performances at the World Swimming Championships. Ky will compete in a unique venue at the games, with the swim happening in London's

Google News: 伦敦奥运会迎来一周年倒计时 澳大利亚乐观备战

[凤凰网] - 上周,梅丽莎·戈曼(Melissa Gorman)和基·赫斯特(Ky Hurst)在世锦赛10公里项目中进入前10位,从而成为首批锁定伦敦奥运会参赛资格的澳大利亚选手,但该项目是在公开水域进行的比赛。 前赛艇冠军尼克·格林(Nick Green

Harrison's Olympic goal closer
[Ipswich Queensland Times] - With the Australian place in the 10km at the London Olympics snapped up by Melissa Gorman, following her fourth at the world championships, Harrison said she was eyeing Rio de Janiero in “My next race is going to be the Australian championships

Google News: Lochte defeats Phelps, France makes history

[International Business Times AU] - Like in Rome 2009, Chilean Kristel Kobrich lost the chance of giving the first ever world championship medal to her country, by finishing once more fourth (16:05.11). Australia's confirmed open water swimmer Melissa Gorman touched fifth in 16:

Costa bate el récord de España, pero queda eliminada en los 200 libre
[] - No pudo con la asiática y se vio superada por ella y por la chilena Kristel Kobrich, la australiana Melissa Gorman y la surafricana Wendy Trott, con las que luchó al principio, además de la medallista de oro, la danesa Lotte Friis, campeona de Europa y

Relay medal gives Leisel Jones a boost
[Herald Sun] - Australia's Melissa Gorman on her way to qualifying today for the final of the 1500m freestyle in Shanghai. She was seventh fastest. Source: Getty Images THE gold medal won by the Australian men's 4x100m freestyle relay team at the world championships

Swimming-World championship women's 1500m freestyle heat overview
[Reuters Africa] - Melissa Gorman (Australia) 16: Q 8. Erika Villaecija (Spain) 16: Q 9. Chloe Sutton (US) 16: Grainne Murphy (Ireland) 16: Eva Risztov (Hungary) 16: Keri-Anne Payne (Britain) 16: Lotte Friis i VM-finale som verdens hurtigste

[] - Finallefeltet tæller desuden sydafrikaneren Wendy Trott, den 17-årige kineser Xuanxu Li, australieren Melissa Gorman og som den eneste anden europæer, spanieren Erika Villaecija Garcia. Sidste års EM-sølvvinder, ireren Grainne Murphy, vandt sit heat

Google News: Risztov Éva a 11. helyen végzett méteren

[Hajdú Online] - Sokáig az élbolyban haladt, ám amikor úgy féltávnál nagyobb tempóra kapcsolt a mellette úszó ausztrál riválisa – a sors szeszélye folytán ugyanaz a Melissa Gorman, aki miatt diszkvalifikálták a hosszútávúszásban -, Risztov nem tudott megfelelően

Turkish team talks with Kobe Bryant
[] - Ashley Twichell, Andrew Gemmell and Sean Ryan finished in 57 minutes, seconds — 1.2 seconds ahead of second-place Australia, which was represented by Melissa Gorman, Ky Hurst and Rhys Mainstone. Meanwhile, Olympic platform champion Chen Ruolin

View Aquatic Directory
[] - Ky Hurst was the slowest swimmer for silver medalist Australia, with the fastest time for the Aussies being reigning 5K world champion Melissa Gorman and Rhys Mainstone swimming the second-fastest time. The three Australian swimmers' times were

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[RDS] - Ashley Twichell, Andrew Gemmell et Sean Ryan ont terminé en 57:00,6 minutes – 1,2 seconde devant l'Australie, deuxième, qui était représentée par Melissa Gorman, Ky Hurst et Rhys Mainstone. L'Allemagne a terminé troisième en 57:44,2.

A bitter fourth place Yet another defeat for Italy's long-distance swimming team
[La Gazzetta dello Sport] - The third place of the podium was 16 seconds away and went to Germany's Wolfgarten, Lurz and Isabelle Haerle, who lagged 43” behind Australia, which fielded actor-swimmer Ky Hurst, Rhys Mainstone and Melissa Gorman.


[Diario Buenos Aires] - La cordobesa, de 26 años, entrenada por su hermano Claudio, realizó el trayecto de los 10 km, en un tiempo de 2h.02m.12 segundos, llegan junto a la australiana Melissa Gorman, y nada menos que 13s de la ganadora, la británica Keri Anne Payne.

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[Paperblog] - Meglio di lei ha fatto soltanto la britannica Keri Anne Michelle Payne, prima in 2 ore 01'58”1, che l'azzurra aveva anche ripreso a tre quarti di gara, quando insieme all'australiana Melissa Gorman hanno provato ad allungare sulle altre.

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[Univisión] - En esta especialidad, que es una contrarreloj por relevos 3x5 kilómetros, los australianos Melissa Gorman, Rhys Mainstone y Ky Hurts quedaron segundos con por de los estadounidenses. El trío alemán, formado por Jan Wolfgarten

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[Sport Mediaset] - Medaglia d'oro agli Stati Uniti (Andrew Gemmell, Ashley Grace Twichell, Sean Ryan) in 57'00"6; argento all'Australia (Melissa Gorman, Ky Hurst, Rhys Mainstone) in 57'01"8; bronzo alla Germania (Isabelle Haerle, Thomas Lurz, Jan Wolfgarten) in 57'44"2.