Mirko Dziadzka Person-Info 

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AppSec Europe 2018: ModSec CRS Community Summit - Scheduleappseceurope2018a.sched.com › event › ExsQ › mo...

Presentation III : Christian Treutler / Mirko Dziadzka : Rules Meta Language; Presentation IV : Tin Zaw: WAFLZ; Break; Presentation V : Adrian Winckles: ...

eBook des Tages: Linux-Kernel-Programmierung, 6. Auflage - TecChannel...

Auflage" von den Autoren Michael Beck / Harald Böhme / Mirko Dziadzka / Ulrich Kunitz/ u. a. an der Reihe. Die umfangreichen Änderungen ...

German book on Linux Kernel Programming

... on "Linux-Kernel-Programmierung" Algorithmen und Strukturen der Version 1.2 Michael Beck, Harald Böhme, Mirko Dziadzka, Ulrich Kunitz, Robert Magnus, ... › khg › get › other

Threads, GIL and re.match() performance - Python

Mirko Dziadzka. Hi all. I understand that the C implementation of Python use a global interpreter lock to avoid problems, so doing CPU bound tasks in multiple threads will not result in better performance on multi-CPU systems. However, I assumed that calls to (thread safe) C Library functions release the ...
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