Nadja Michael und Opera Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nadja Michael)
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Maestro britânico quer retirar à Elektra a fama de obra violenta e...
Estreia-se hoje (20.00), no Grande Auditório do CCB, a ópera Elektra, de Richard Strauss. Leo Hussain falou com o DN sobre esta Elektra, uma das grandes óperas do século XX, com a soprano alemã Nadja Michael no temível papel titular.

Guardian: Opera needs fresh blood - but not this sort | Music | The Guardian

These gore-spattered operas are neither edgy nor upsetting - but they can get a bit saucy

Nadja Michael: How Salome strips bare the soul of a singer
Naked or not? Covent Garden's forthcoming production of the controversial opera is shrouded in secrecy. Adam Sweeting talks to its star, Nadja Michael.

Live aus der New Yorker Metropolitan Opera: die MET-Saison
Im Anschluss folgt Bartóks "Herzog Blaubarts Burg" mit der deutschen Sopranistin Nadja Michael als Judith und dem russischen Bass Mikhail ...