Olga Speranskaya Person-Info 

( Ich bin Olga Speranskaya)


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Olga Speranskaya, Physicist - Heroes of the Environment TIME

In Russia, a scientist lobbies Moscow to ban dangerous chemicals — and clean up the toxic mess from the Soviet era

Portraits of power: Women leading the change | India News - Times of...

Olga Speranskaya: Russian scientist Olga Speranskaya's environmental activism began in the 1990s. As the Soviet Union split up, it left ...

In pictures : The Goldman Prize 2009, Olga BBC NEWSnews.bbc.co.uk › spl › html › 4.stm

Russian scientist and Goldman Prize recipient Olga Speranskaya brought the NGOs in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia together, turning ...

NZZ: Mit Solarenergie zum «Champion der Erde» | NZZ

Neben Palmer wurden der Präsident Mexikos, Felipe Calderon, die russische Pestizid-Gegnerin Olga Speranskaya, die afrikanische Sängerin ...
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Maria Gunnoe
Vorname "Olga" (13845)
Name "Speranskaya" (1)
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