News Olga Speranskaya

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Olga Speranskaya, Physicist - Heroes of the Environment TIME
In Russia, a scientist lobbies Moscow to ban dangerous chemicals — and clean up the toxic mess from the Soviet era

Portraits of power: Women leading the change | India News - Times of...
Olga Speranskaya: Russian scientist Olga Speranskaya's environmental activism began in the 1990s. As the Soviet Union split up, it left ...

In pictures : The Goldman Prize 2009, Olga BBC › spl › html › 4.stm
Russian scientist and Goldman Prize recipient Olga Speranskaya brought the NGOs in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia together, turning ...

NZZ: Mit Solarenergie zum «Champion der Erde» | NZZ

Neben Palmer wurden der Präsident Mexikos, Felipe Calderon, die russische Pestizid-Gegnerin Olga Speranskaya, die afrikanische Sängerin ...

Bilanz der Konferenz des Europäischen Umweltbüros zur...
Einige internationale Umweltschutzabkommen sind bekannt, wie beispielsweise die Klimaschutzkonvention. Andere Abkommen dagegen führen ein Schattendasein,...

IGHC Research Seminar Series — Institute on Globalization & the Human...
Olga Speranskaya has been a Co-Chair of IPEN since 2010, a network of hundreds of Participating Organizations working on chemical safety ...

Heart Beats to a 24-Hour Cycle - U of G News
Genes regulated by circadian clock…

UN Champions of the Earth Announced | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD
Tracking the Implementation of the Agenda

Rio+20 Business Focus: What makes a sustainability leader?
As part of our Rio+20 series focused on business and sustainable development, we find out what it takes to be a sustainability leader.

Елена и Андрей. A series published on 14 September by Olga...
Елена и Андрей. A photo series published on 14 September by Olga Speranskaya from Moscow, Russia in MyWed Photographers Community.
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Name "Speranskaya" (1)