News Olga Tymchenko

(1 - 7 von 8

A year after Maidan, Ukraine is still the most corrupt country in...
Transparency International is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption.

Attacks on Ukraine strike close to home – Best of SNO
The ongoing war in Ukraine is the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II.  What has been oddly shocking is the slow yet unstoppable feeling of...

NGOs Demand Open Governance from the Prime Minister of Ukraine
Media contact: Olga Tymchenko, Communications Department Head Transparency International Ukraine mobile + , office +

Laura Giannini, Violin: Fall Garden Concert and › event
· ... combining vocal and instrumental music, and the OLLA Rhapsody, violin duo with violinist Olga Tymchenko, both since

Ukraine remains most corrupt country in Europe - Transparency...
... according to a statement released by Head of the Communications Department at Transparency International Ukraine Olga Tymchenko early ...

МАМИ - Я даю, ти даєш, ми даємо
Майже половина українців оцінює корупцію як найсерйознішу проблему у країні. Нюанс у тому, що за останній рік чверть тих самих українців давали хабарі. Кожен...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Olga Tymchenko
Laura Giannini
Vorname "Olga" (13845)
Name "Tymchenko" (7)