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Shiites lebanon under ottoman rule | Middle East history |...

This book offers a perspective on the previously ignored history of the Shiites as a constituent of Lebanese society.

The Greek Orthodox Church under Ottoman rule

Following the fall of Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Church was both protected and restricted by the decrees of Fatih Sultan Mehmed

Time of Violence (a Story of Balkan Christians under Ottoman Muslim...

Time Of Violence (1988; 288 min.) is a MUST WATCH Bulgarian movie based on eyewitness written accounts. In the 17th century, a Bulgarian ...

The Arab Lands under Ottoman Rule, | Department of History

Designed as the successor to P.M. Holt's classic book Egypt and the Fertile Crescent, here for the first time in forty years is a comprehensive survey of...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Misr Under Ottoman
Vorname "Under" (14)
Name "Ottoman" (2)
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