Patrick McManus Person-Info 

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Vashon’s Einstein, Patrick McManus, dies at 74
26. Sept · Patrick McManus, an islander who parlayed his startling resemblance to Albert Einstein into a brilliant mid-life career, died suddenly on Aug He was 74 years old. His death, which occurred at his island home, was caused by a heart attack, said his daughter, Halla McManus.

Patrick-Mcmanus | National Post
Read the latest news and coverage on Patrick McManus. View images, videos, and more on Patrick McManus on National Post.

Costello, der andere Elvis - arte |
Der britische Popmusiker fing als Punk-Rocker an und spielte sich inzwischen nahezu durch jedes Genre, das es gibt: Elvis Costello, bürgerlich Declan Patrick...

Club promoter also dedicated volunteer – The Denver Post
Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) · Click to share on They later divorced, and she married Patrick McManus in
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