News Paz Wells

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Al pie de la letra | La República Podcast
LR Podcast | Aquí se comentan obras de autores de diferentes épocas y países para fomentar el interés en la literatura.

Sixto Paz: "Esperamos contacto extraterrestre en Washington" | MUNDO...
El ufólogo peruano llegó a la capital estadounidense para preparar un eventual contacto con seres de otras galaxias


Sixto Paz Wells | Exo News
For instance, emphasizing a feeling-based, ethical perspective, it could be called a “fourth dimensional level of consciousness” as shared by contactee Sixto Paz Wells. It may also be associated with a higher cognitive capacity as a “5th, 6th (or higher) Order of Consciousness,” as Harvard developmental psychologist ...

Jesus and Extraterrestrials according to Contactee Sixto Paz Wells
As Interviewed in by Mexican journalist and UFO Investigator Johanan DÃaz Vargas) Translated by: Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera Two UFOs appear during Jesus’ Crucifixation. Painting at Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo. SPW- I am part of a contact group which for 37 years has been receiving.

A walk on the wild side: Sixto Paz Wells - UFO Contactee - Details...
News Archive: A walk on the wild side: Sixto Paz Wells - UFO Contactee - info for: A walk on the wild side: Sixto Paz Wells - UFO Contactee