News Pedro Becker

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2. Directors Showcase der Neue Sentimental Film in Cannes
Zum zweiten Mal veranstaltet die Neue Sentimental Film beim International Advertising Festival in Cannes ihren Director's Showcase. Unter dem Motto

Bonaparte assume conta da Grendha | Notícias | Baguete
A Bonaparte foi fundada há três anos por Alvaro Valli, Eduardo Mello e Diego Diehl, ex-sócios da Popweb, junto com Pedro Becker, ...

F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi and Nike Launch New Brazilian All-Star Team...
Sao Paulo - On February 28, Nike Brazil started its journey toward the World Soccer Championship to be staged in in Brazil, with a communications campaign...

New Talent: Vellas | LBBOnline
Little Black Book, Director behind multi Cannes Lion-winning Leica 'Soul' film