News Rashid Abdi

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Google News: Seizing Mogadishu will not end Somali conflict

[Radio Netherlands] - said Rashid Abdi, Somalia analyst at the International Crisis Group. For now, the answer appears to be no. The United Nations' patience is running out with Somalia's bickering leaders who are locked in acrimonious feud about what should happen when the

Battle for Mogadishu's Bakara Market Proves Costly, Complicated
[Voice of America] - A Somalia analyst for the Brussels-based International Crisis Group (ICG), Rashid Abdi, explains the importance of Bakara to the AMISOM mission. "Strategically, of course, it really denies al-Shabab a place they have been using for the last five or six

Taz: Friedensbemühungen für Somalia: "Wie Afghanistan 2001" -

Seit Jahrzehnten tobt in Somalia Krieg, Piraten und Islamisten finden ideale Bedingungen. Das soll sich jetzt ändern. Die Briten rufen zur großen...

Kämpfe im Osten Äthiopiens: Viele Tote, Tausende auf der Flucht |...
Laut dem Experten Rashid Abdi von der International Crisis Group könnte die jüngste Gewalt in der Region Somali Ausdruck eines Konflikts ...

Gulf crisis spills into Somalia as tensions with UAE soar – Business...
Tensions between Somalia and the United Arab Emirates ratcheted up this week as Mogadishu ditched a military deal with its ally and seized millions of dollars

Pirates surrounded by U.S. Navy ships -
A weapons-laden Ukrainian cargo ship commandeered by pirates off the Somali coast was surrounded by U.S. Navy ships Monday, a Navy spokesman said.

Somalia creates new state, Azania | Fox News
Somali politicians on Sunday announced the creation of a new state in the battle-scarred nation, a move condemned by Somalia's fragile government, which said...

Kenya's incursion into Somalia raises the stakes - BBC News
The incursion by Kenyan troops into Somalia is a response to recent kidnappings but it raises the stakes with al-Shabab militants.

gazeta: Konflikt Egiptu i Etiopii o tamę na Nilu. A tak naprawdę o coś...

Etiopia realizuje ambitny plan budowy elektrowni wodnej o wartości 4,2 miliarda dolarów na Nilu Błękitnym, głównym dopływie Nilu. Egipt boi się ograniczenia...

Qaeda's Somalia allies on the defensive, for now | Reuters
An al Qaeda rallying cry for an Islamist uprising in Somalia will fall on deaf ears: Its violent brand of militancy repels ordinary people and real hope now...

Africa force key to Somalia stability: analyst | Mena – Gulf News
AMISOM performance a mixed bag, but Somalia in no position to deal with security situation on its own

Guardian: Al-Shabaab atrocity: Kenyan officials under fire for failure to...

As Kenya attempts to come to terms with latest Islamist attack, analysts say more should have been done to protect ‘soft targets’ in Garissa and the north

UN lying over Somalia famine, say Islamists | The Independent
Islamist fighters have accused the United Nations of exaggerating the level of emergency from hunger and drought in Somalia and are refusing to allow some aid...

Analyst Rashid Abdi on the rise of radicalisation in Somalia. - ABC...
Rashid Abdi says Somalia is fast becoming the preferred training ground for Al Qaeda.

Rashid Abdi of ICG grossly violates core principles of Journalism: A...
Rashid Abdi of ICG grossly violates core principles of Journalism: A reflection of his recently released article on Southwest State election

Somalia Piracy: Indian warship sinks pirate vessel - WELT
An Indian warship deployed in the Gulf of Aden fought Somali pirates and destroyed their vessel after a brief battle, the navy said on Wednesday. Two...

Gulf of Aden: Dutch boat with 8 crew hijacked by Somali pirates - WELT
Somali pirate activity has been frenetic in recent weeks, despite an unprecedented foreign naval deployment intended to deter armed groups marauding in the...

Männer des Friedens greifen zu den Waffen - WELT
Die moderaten Sufis in Somalia haben sich immer aus Konflikten herausgehalten, noch nie haben sie den Abzug eines Gewehrs gedrückt. Nun ziehen sie in den Kampf...

Sanctuary without end: The refugees the world forgot
Dadaab is the largest refugee camp in the world. If it was a city, it would be one of Kenya's largest.

Taz: Somalias Präsident tritt ab: Hoffnung auf neuen Friedensprozess -...

Hardliner Abdullahi Yusuf zieht Konsequenzen aus dem Machtkampf mit den moderaten Kräften der Übergangsregierung.

Shabaab-Anführer bei US-Luftangriff getötet |
Ahmed Abdi Godane kam bei Einsatz am Montag ums Leben.

Mogadishu-backed candidate wins test-case regional Somali election |...
Lawmakers in a volatile region of Somalia elected the federal government's preferred candidate as its leader on Wednesday after a popular former al Shabaab...

Rashid Abdi - The Standard
Kenya's number one website that delivers realtime news across the globe. The top headlines covers politics, citizen journalism, culture, business, sports and...

Sirius Star: Somali pirates hijack Saudi-owned supertanker - WELT
A Saudi Arabian-owned supertanker carrying $100 million worth of oil cargo was hijacked by pirates in the Gulf of Aden, northern Somalia. The hijacking of the...

Somali Pirates - Bilder & Fotos - WELT
Suez Canal naval route threatened

BBC NEWS | Africa | Unveiling Somalia's Islamists
The UIC may have succeeded in gaining control in Somalia, but cracks in the alliance are beginning to show.

Guardian: Kenya attack is product of brutal power struggle within al-Shabaab |...

Simon Tisdall: Westgate mall atrocity looks like statement of intent by hardliner Ahmed Abdi Godane after consolidating power over group

Somali group with al Qaeda ties threatens Israel -
A militant Islamist group associated with al Qaeda has for the first time threatened to attack Israel, far from its normal base of operations in Somalia.

Is Somalia's al-Shabab on the back foot? - BBC News
The military fortunes of Somalia's Islamist group al-Shabab have dramatically worsened in the last year, but can it ever be defeated and what would it mean for...

Guardian: Somalia, Kenya and Uganda pledge to defeat al-Shabaab rebels | World...

East African leaders meet as concerns grow over scope of Kenya's incursion into Somalia against Islamist group