Reinhard Burger und Control Person-Info 

( Ich bin Reinhard Burger)
(1 - 11 von 15

Origem da epidemia está em rebentos vegetais
O presidente do centro de controlo de doenças alemão anunciou hoje que rebentos vegetais produzidos localmente são a origem da epidemia causada pela...

E.Coli Outbreak: Blame Back On Bean Sprouts | World News | Sky News
Bean sprouts are in fact the cause of the E.coli outbreak in Europe that has … 30 people, Germany's national disease control centre has said. Swine flu H1N1 virus crisis out of control fear experts as ...

Vice-president of the Robert Koch-Institute Reinhard Burger explained yesterday that with the number of cases increasing in Germany there is also a risk “that more serious cases will emerge as ...

Is it Time for a Warning on Sprouts? | Marler Blog
However, earlier Reinhard Burger, president of the Robert Koch Institute, Germany's national disease control center, said the pattern of the outbreak had produced enough evidence to draw that conclusion even though no [at the time] tests of sprouts from an organic farm in Lower Saxony had come back ...