René Romer Person-Info 

( Ich bin René Romer)


(1 - 4 von 6
) - Your Say: The death that shocked the Dutch - May 9, 2002
It is proof once again that UEFA knows no dignity, has no respect for life and has no respect for democracy. Rene Romer, Rotterdam. I know he ...

Netherlands Antilles agree on new coalition government - UPI Archives
The Netherlands Antilles' major political parties agreed Sunday to form a new government to replace former Prime Minister Don Martina's shattered coalition...

Ergebnisse Grossratswahlen 2016
Name, René Romer. Ergebnis, Nicht gewählt. Erhaltene Stimmen, Geburtsjahr, Bezirk, Bremgarten. Partei, Grüne. Liste, 05. Kandidatennummer, 16.

Blue Pie Signs Suzanna Lubrano @ - New Songs &...
Suzanna Lubrano, one of Africa's award winning female artists, signs to Blue Pie Records. Blue Pie Records is thrilled to announce one of its newest and most...
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