News Richard Holbrooke

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Google News: Apurar la apuesta egipcia

[La Estrella Digital] - El tranquilo y discreto Grossman podría tener más suerte a la hora de catalizar este proceso que su enérgico predecesor, el difunto Richard Holbrooke. Hay un nuevo ímpetu procedente de Afganistán y Pakistán también. El Primer Ministro paquistaní Yousaf

Matt Gurney: The rebirth of Gen. McChrystal
[National Post (blog)] - Most of the worst quotes, those critical of President Obama, Vice-President Biden and then-US ambassador to Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke, were not spoken by McChrystal at all, but by members of his staff. Because of this, the official probe has found

WikiLeaked, govt gives visiting US senators a wide berth
[Times of India] - Richard Holbrooke's successor, Marc Grossman, will also be here at the end of April to talk Afghanistan-Pakistan with India. The India-US strategic dialogue is slated for July which will see US secretary of state Hillary Clinton visiting here.

Kolumne: Holbrooke, gegenwärtig
[WELT ONLINE] - Richard Holbrooke war noch einmal gegenwärtig in den Erinnerungen seiner Freunde, Kollegen und Bewunderer, von der amerikanischen Außenministerin Hillary Clinton bis zu Staatsminister Hoyer, MdB, vom Auswärtigen Amt. Von der Witwe Kati Marton

Google News: Time to Rule in a Ground Option in Libya

[National Journal] - At bottom, Obama is strapped by a latter-day iteration of what the late Richard Holbrooke once described to me as “Vietmalia” syndrome—a wariness of suffering US casualties in out-of-the-way places like Vietnam and Somalia, where both the national Pentagon: Untersuchung entlastet gefeuerten General McChrystal

[Spiegel Online] - Auch für die Schmähung des damaligen Nationalen Sicherheitsberaters James Jones als "Clown" oder des inzwischen verstorbenen Afghanistan-Beauftragten Richard Holbrooke als "verwundetes Tier" gebe es keine Beweise. Das US-Verteidigungsministerium hatte

Essay: Wache Menschlichkeit
[WELT ONLINE] - April hielt die US-Außenministerin Hillary Clinton in der American Academy in Berlin eine bewegende Gedenkrede auf den Ausnahmediplomaten Richard C. Holbrooke ( ) Es fügt sich, dass wir dieses wahrscheinlich letzte Gedenken an Richard Holbrooke

Google News: How US intends to end war with Taliban

[Financial Times] - Much of the bedrock for the new strategy was established by Richard Holbrooke, the US diplomat who died last December, but the failure of the White House to embrace his ideas left him on the sidelines. Now the seasoned diplomat Marc Grossman is in

Google News: Pakistan Security Brief - April 18, 2011

[Critical Threats Project] - [ii] In a speech at the American Academy in Berlin, Secretary Clinton credited the late diplomat Richard Holbrooke with “setting the troubled US ties with Pakistan and Afghanistan on the right track as special envoy to the countries.

La Haya condena por crímenes de guerra al exgeneral croata Gotovina
[El Paí (España)] - Richard Holbrooke, el fallecido negociador estadounidense en los acuerdos de paz de Dayton (que pusieron fin a la guerra en Bosnia), ofreció en su día una interpretación diplomática de lo ocurrido en Krajina. Después de lamentar las muertes

Clinton: Allies looking for ways to fund Libya rebels
[Reuters] - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a memorial service for the late US Ambassador Richard Holbrooke at the American Academy in Berlin April 15, BERLIN (Reuters) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday that NATO allies

Richard Holbrooke: Erinnerung an einen Renaissance-Menschen
[Berliner Morgenpost] - Trotz aller Hektik während ihres Berlinbesuches schien es Hillary Clinton eine Herzensangelegenheit zu sein, an der Gedenkfeier für den verstorbenen amerikanischen Diplomaten Richard Holbrooke teilzunehmen. Holbrooke war zuletzt Clintons Beauftragter

Ohrfeige für den Statisten
[WELT ONLINE] - Am Freitagnachmittag gab dann auch US-Außenministerin Clinton ihre Zurückhaltung auf, und zwar im Rahmen einer Gedenkveranstaltung für den verstorbenen Spitzendiplomaten Richard Holbrooke, dem Vater der American Academy am Berliner Wannsee.

Google News: Pročitajte Brijunske transkripte, glavni dokaz Haškog suda

[] - I, Richard Holbrooke je u State Departmentu, američkom, zadužen za to. HP. Hrvatski predsjednik je rekao da ponuda nije dovoljna. On očigledno nije jako zainteresiran da UN nadgledaju aktivnosti njegovih jedinica, dok se pokušavaju probotii kroz Bosnu

Clinton defends Taliban talks
[] - Source: AFP US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has voiced understanding for talks with the Taliban as she mourned the late diplomat Richard Holbrooke. At a memorial service, Clinton credited Holbrooke - who died unexpectedly at the age of 69 in

Google News: HOME > PUBLICATIONS > Serbia and Israel - Two Nations under Islamic Duress

[Family Security Matters] - In this, the baleful influence of President Barack Hussein Obama looms large, just as the Serbian people's heartland of Kosovo was stolen from them with the connivance and brute force of President Clinton and his diplomats, Richard Holbrooke and

The gentle art of not intruding
[New Statesman] - Richard Holbrooke was very aware of the dangers of over-intervention. He had served in Vietnam and thought it was a fiasco. In Bob Woodward's book Obama's Wars, he appeared as a critic of the Afghan surge. But as the head of Afghan strategy

Google News: ABD destekli Taliban ofisi

[Hürriyet] - ABD, Afganistan'daki uzlaşma çabalarının başarıya ulaşması için Taliban ile diyalog kurulması fikrini, Aralık ayında ölen Afganistan-Pakistan Özel Temsilcisi Richard Holbrooke döneminde gündeme getirmişti. ABD Yönetimi bu konuyu hiçbir zaman

Google News: US-Außenministerin Clinton in Berlin, Seoul und Tokio erwartet

[RIA Novosti] - In Berlin soll Clinton einem Gottesdienst zum Andenken an den US-Sonderbeauftragten für Afghanistan und Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, der im Dezember gestorben ist, beiwohnen und den Walter-Rathenau-Preis für ihren Beitrag zur internationalen

The Libyan Miscalcuation
[Toward Freedom] - Imagine if Richard Holbrooke went to Milosevic and permitted Mirjana Markovic (Slobodan's wife) to run for elections (as it turns out, Mirjana is now the leader of the Yugoslav Left, which does run in the Serbian elections). Qaddafi has used the Libyan

Google News: Clinton to Berlin Seoul Tokyo

[Politico] - From Wednesday to Friday, Clinton will travel to Berlin, where she will meet with foreign ministers to discuss Libya and Afghanistan, and attend Amb. Richard Holbrooke's memorial service at the American Academy. She also will get the Walther Rathenau

Google News: The Arab Spring

[Family Security Matters] - However, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke's “contact group” methodology in Afghanistan and Ambassador George Mitchell's hopes of settling the Israeli-Palestinian question meant bringing the Islamic Establishment of Iran into line with America's interests

Rupert Cornwell: Obama must plan for life without his loyal Republican
[The Independent] - Diplomatic powerhouse Richard Holbrooke is dead, while Jim Steinberg, the deputy secretary of state, is about to step down. Hillary Clinton, too, must be taken at her word when she vows to leave the administration – and politics – at the end of

Google News: Notizie dai Balcani » La NATO conosceva i crimini dell'UCK

[Osservatorio Italiano (Registrazione)] - L'ex segretario di Stato Madeleine Albright lo abbracciava pubblicamente, l'ex Presidente George W. Bush lo ha ospitato nella Casa Bianca, Richard Holbrooke lo definiva una controparte diplomatica , il Vice Presidente Joseph Biden lo ha accolto

Google News: Cine va face parte din noua celulă de criză a lui Obama

[Evenimentul Zilei] - Hillary Clinton, cea care a promovat intervenţia militară din Libia, va trebui să îşi caute noi aliaţi în noul grup de lucru, asta pentru că, pe lângă plecarea lui Gates, a rămas şi fără sprijinul lui Richard Holbrooke, fostul emisar pentru Afganistan

Thomas G. Weiss: The UN has proved its worth in Libya and Ivory Coast
[The Independent] - The late American diplomat Richard Holbrooke quipped that blaming the UN for lousy performances was like blaming the hapless NY Knicks basketball team on their arena Madison Square Garden. Governments sometimes make quick use of the UN arena and

Google News: Israel's Requirements for Defensible Borders

[Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs] - Richard Holbrooke, "The Principles of Peacemaking," Israel's Right to Secure Boundaries: Four Decades Since UN Security Council Resolution 242" (Jerusalem: Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 2009), p British ambassador to the UN in Lord

Fjärrstyrd politik sätter diplomatin på undantag
[Svenska Dagbladet] - Den erfarne fredsförhandlaren Richard Holbrooke och ambassadören i Kabul Karl Eikenberry menade att anti-upprorsstrategin inte skulle lyckas på grund av att den afghanske presidenten Karzai var opålitlig och den afghanska militären och polisen för

Is US sincere in talking to the Taliban?
[The News International] - US point man for Afghanistan and Pakistan late Richard Holbrooke also advised the Administration for the need to talk to Taliban as the only honourable way for the US to quit Afghanistan. Acceptance of his advice by the administration can be touted as

Google News: Pastor Jones and a dreaded ghost

[Asia Times Online] - The late US special representative for AfPak, Richard Holbrooke, confided with The Cable, "I [Holbrooke] had a very good talk with him [De Mistura], quite a long talk, we went over every aspect of the relationship. He wanted to discuss how he could

Alle Infos zum Namen "Richard Holbrooke"
