Richard Holbrooke und Pakistan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Richard Holbrooke)
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Google News: Apurar la apuesta egipcia

[La Estrella Digital] - El tranquilo y discreto Grossman podría tener más suerte a la hora de catalizar este proceso que su enérgico predecesor, el difunto Richard Holbrooke. Hay un nuevo ímpetu procedente de Afganistán y Pakistán también. El Primer Ministro paquistaní Yousaf

WikiLeaked, govt gives visiting US senators a wide berth
[Times of India] - Richard Holbrooke's successor, Marc Grossman, will also be here at the end of April to talk Afghanistan-Pakistan with India. The India-US strategic dialogue is slated for July which will see US secretary of state Hillary Clinton visiting here.

Google News: Pakistan Security Brief - April 18, 2011

[Critical Threats Project] - [ii] In a speech at the American Academy in Berlin, Secretary Clinton credited the late diplomat Richard Holbrooke with “setting the troubled US ties with Pakistan and Afghanistan on the right track as special envoy to the countries.

Google News: ABD destekli Taliban ofisi

[Hürriyet] - ABD, Afganistan'daki uzlaşma çabalarının başarıya ulaşması için Taliban ile diyalog kurulması fikrini, Aralık ayında ölen Afganistan-Pakistan Özel Temsilcisi Richard Holbrooke döneminde gündeme getirmişti. ABD Yönetimi bu konuyu hiçbir zaman