Robert McNamara Person-Info 

( Ich bin Robert McNamara)


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Google News: New York journalist is speaker at Chambersburg service

[Chambersburg Public Opinion] - By IRIS HERSH Staff writer Author and journalist Warren Kozak will never forget what it was like living in New York City the days following the attacks

Column: We must know all our history
[Topeka Capital Journal] - Robert McNamara, who died in July, might find that he will be posthumously imprisoned by history. Lost in the hoopla surrounding the deaths of Michael

Warren Kozak: LeMay helped SAC soar to great heights
[Omaha World-Herald] - Instead of going to Washington and asking for money he knew he wouldn't get, he asked the town fathers — people like Arthur Storz — to help build and

Google News: Le petit château en plastique

[] - Le Président Lyndon B. Johnson, le secrétaire à la Défense Robert McNamara, et d'autres hauts dirigeants en arrivèrent à la conclusion qu'il fallait un
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