News Robert McNamara

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Google News: New York journalist is speaker at Chambersburg service

[Chambersburg Public Opinion] - By IRIS HERSH Staff writer Author and journalist Warren Kozak will never forget what it was like living in New York City the days following the attacks

Column: We must know all our history
[Topeka Capital Journal] - Robert McNamara, who died in July, might find that he will be posthumously imprisoned by history. Lost in the hoopla surrounding the deaths of Michael

Warren Kozak: LeMay helped SAC soar to great heights
[Omaha World-Herald] - Instead of going to Washington and asking for money he knew he wouldn't get, he asked the town fathers — people like Arthur Storz — to help build and

Google News: Le petit château en plastique

[] - Le Président Lyndon B. Johnson, le secrétaire à la Défense Robert McNamara, et d'autres hauts dirigeants en arrivèrent à la conclusion qu'il fallait un

Biggest problem for leaders: figuring out the problem
[Globe and Mail] - Kimberly-Clark Corp., producer of the Huggies brand of diapers and related baby-care products, watched moms and dads struggling to hold their babies still

Google News: Kde tráví dovolenou Barack Obama. Martha's Vineyard, ostrov smetánky

[] - Žil tady spisovatel William Styron, ministr obrany Robert McNamara, vynálezce střetu civilizací Samuel Huntington či agent 007 Roger Moore.

La "guerra" entre Venezuela y Colombia
[Uruguay Informe] - Robert McNamara, considerado como “el más brillante entre los brillantes de su generación”, personificó la absurda decisión de involucrar a EE UU en la

Google News: And the summer of celebrity death continues

[] - Some of the deaths even have me wondering if the particular person will go to heaven or hell if I believed in such places * cough * Robert McNamara * cough

Home for a big family
[Boston Globe] - “It's a place where he always gained strength,'' said Paul G. Kirk Jr., a former Kennedy aide who is chairman of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation.

'By His Own Rules' by Bradley Graham
[Los Angeles Times] - Only Robert S. McNamara -- like Rumsfeld, a reformer with an impressive record of corporate success on his résumé -- served longer: days.

Weaponized Food and Medicine is Bad f...
[Natural] - Natural News article "Note: The End of Food As We Know It" explores the recent appointment of Michael Taylor, former Monsanto leading attorney

Martha's Vineyard cliques: President Barack Obama's guide to who ...
[] - The late Walter Cronkite and Robert McNamara, the US defence secretary, had houses. David Letterman's estate is out of town and Meg Ryan is in nearby

Google News: El gobernador de Salta, los cortes de pelo y la imagen de los ...

[Noticias] - De la media americana, parecida a la de Robert McNamara, ha pasado a un cortecito de tipo "quitupí", de mollera achatada, que ha aumentado innecesariamente

1/10 Der ehemalige US-Verteidigungsminister Robert McNamara ist im ...
[Tages-Anzeiger Online] - Der hochintelligente, aber zerrissene Robert S. McNamara prägte die Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik der USA wie kein anderer Verteidigungsminister des 20.

Die Banalität der Macht: Donald Rumsfeld und wie er die Welt sieht -...
Zehntausende Memos hat Donald Rumsfeld während seiner Politikkarriere verfasst. Am Ende der Doku Öl ins nukleare Feuer | Telepolis

In New York ging die 7. Konferenz zur Überprüfung des Atomwaffensperrvertrages ohne Ergebnis zu Ende

McNamara ǀ Späte Einsicht eines Warlords — der Freitag
Der einstige US-Verteidigungsminister Robert McNamara ist im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben. Sein Name bleibt untrennbar mit dem Vietnam-Krieg verbunden

Taz: "Architekt des Vietnamkriegs" gestorben: Robert McNamara ist tot -...

Robert McNamara ließ in den 60er Jahren als US-Verteidigungsminister den Vietnam ... Zeitweise sprachen Kommentatoren vom "McNamara-Krieg" ...

ex-us-verteidigungsminister mcnamara tot
robert mcnamara starb im alter von 93 jahren. von war er verteidigungsminister.

Robert McNamara News | Photos | Quotes | Wiki -
Robert McNamara News from United Press International.

Construction giant Lend Lease admits to fleecing clients out of $19M
“We accept responsibility for what happened in the past and have agreed to continue to make restitution to the affected clients,” said Robert McNamara, Lend Lease Americas CEO. Between and 2009, the company made it a regular routine to overbill by simply adding hours and charging clients for ...

Robert S. McNamara en EL PAÍ › noticias › robert-s-mcnamara
Robert McNamara, un académico arrastrado al infierno de Vietnam · José María Marti Font | :00 EDT. Muere a los 93 años el que fuera ...

BBC NEWS | Americas | Obituary: Robert McNamara
The former US Defence Secretary, Robert S McNamara, served under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, and was at the centre of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the...

Geburtstag von Robert McNamara | - Nachrichten - NDR Info
Stichtag 09. Juni 1916: Der Geburtstag des amerikanischen Politikers Robert McNamara

Guardian: Robert McNamara | US news | The Guardian

Martin Kettle: Robert McNamara was haunted by an act of great military folly. Those who order war in Afghanistan risk a similiar, awful fate. Published: 4:00 PM.

Robert McNamara - Telegraph
Robert McNamara, the former American Secretary of State for Defence, who died yesterday aged 93, was the architect of America's involvement in Vietnam and...

Measures of leadership: Reflections on Robert S. McNamara - Ockham's...
Professor Mark Dodgson from the University of Queensland Business School, talks about the career and personality of Robert Strange McNamara, who also served as...

Book Launch: "I Made Mistakes" - Robert McNamara and › events › events › I-Made-...
Book Launch: "I Made Mistakes" - Robert McNamara and Vietnam. The Vietnam War and its aftermath had a profound effect on American society and foreign ...

Berlinale: Abu Ghraib – Die Verfilmung eines Skandals - WELT
Lynndie England war es, die einen Iraker an der Hundeleine durch das Gefängnis Abu Ghraib führte. Sie ist es auch, die in dem Dokumentarfilm „Standard...

Ehemaliger US-Verteidigungsminster - Robert McNamara tot - Politik ...
Brillanter Kopf oder Kriegsverbrecher? Der frühere US-Verteidigungsminister Robert McNamara ist gestorben. Für die Eskalation des ...