News Ronald Klont

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JSR conference celebrates 20th anniversary 's Business directory...
Dr Ronald Klont, Manager of Research and Development, Vion Food Group, will present 'Challenges and Opportunities in Optimising the Pork ...

III Congresso Latinoamericano de Suinocultura PORK EXPO 2006
Pork Expo: O Maior Evento De Suinocultura. O lugar e a hora certa de fazer bons negócios: 10,000 metros quadrados de área de exposição, mais de 150 em

Pork Expo III Congreso Latinoamericano de Porcicultura
Pork Expo: El Mayor Evento De La Porcicultura. El lugar y la hora exacta para hacer buenos negocios: metros cuadrados de área de exposición, má

New approach to salt reduction in cheese and processed meats
“The work will not stop here,” said Ronald Klont, head of R&D at VION. “Further research is necessary to optimise the new technologies and to ...

Dutch Consortium Succeeds in 30%+ Salt Reduction in Meat ...
— “The work will not stop here,” says Ronald Klont, head of R&D at Vion. “Further research is necessary to optimize the new technologies and ... › ...

Reunión de seguimiento del proyecto europeo PIGSCAN - El Sitio Porcino
— ... senior consultant de Slaughterhouse Technologies del Danish Meat Research Institute (DMRI), Ronald Klont y John Poel de la empresa Vion ... › news