News Sascha Lopez

(1 - 17 von 17

Revealed: Inside the secretive Tory election call centre – Channel 4...
The Conservative Party contracted a secretive call centre during the election campaign which may have broken data protection and election laws, a Channel 4...

Apple iPhone 6 launch: Fans start queuing for latest smart phone two...
Queues are starting to form in Cardiff ahead of the new phone going on sale tomorrow morning

Guardian: Conservative party call centre 'may have broken election law' |...

Channel 4 News investigation questions whether market research staff were actually canvassing for candidates

Keine aktive Unterstützung von Fridays for Future
Oct 14, · Markus Guse, Leiter des Horber Stadtjugendreferats, sowie die beiden Streetworker Sascha Lopez und Paul Bruscella präsentierten die Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten der Horber Jugendarbeiten dem nun ...

Foodtrucks in München - Snack 'n' Roll - München -
Schmuddelige Imbissbuden? Von gestern. Durch München fahren immer mehr Foodtrucks. Aber statt Pommes rot-weiß gibt es hier Gourmet-Hotdogs.

Horb a. N.: Frischer Wind durch neues Vorstandsteam - Horb & Umgebung...
Hauptversammlung: Verein Haus der Jugend Marmorwerk wählt Viviana Weschenmoser zur Vorsitzenden

So weit, so food: Diese Food Trucks rollen durch München
Grillin' me softly. Die Imbisskultur in München neu gestalten, so lautet das Motto der Food Truck Entwickler Florian Villegas und Sascha Lopez.

Welsh call centre 'may have broken data and election laws' working...
An undercover reporter uncovered allegedly potentially unlawful practices

Buchungen sind ab sofort möglich
Bis zum 12. Juli können Eltern aus einer Vielfalt an Freizeitangeboten für Kinder und Jugendliche auswählen.

Swanseait Limited find contacts: address, phone, email, job, responds
Full data about Swanseait Limited in business system UkCom.Biz. Find address Swanseait Limited, phone, email, website credits, responds, Swanseait Limited job...

“Significant” Police investigation into Tory breaches of electoral laws › News
· FacebookTwitterLinkedinEmailWhatsapp ... is a former Conservative Welsh council candidate Sascha Lopez who insisted: “All scripts supplied ...

Daily Research News Online no ICO Warns Tory Party over...
... Party campaign involving calls made by a firm called Blue Telecoms, led by failed Conservative council candidate Sascha Lopez. In the run ...

HBS Online Community Speakers (Sascha López, Founder/CEO of › events › details › hbx-houston-presents-hbs-onlin...
Nov 14, · Join us for a chat with your classmate, Sascha López! You'll hear about how he has applied his online education experiences through HBS ...Missing: Euro- Glanz" Nov 14, · Join us for a chat with your classmate, Sascha López! You'll hear about how he has applied his online education experiences through HBS ... Missing: Euro- Glanz"

From anger to activism: San Diego Women's March draws estimated...
A theme this year is “Power to the Polls,” encouraging women to register to vote and to elect progressive leaders who reflect their values.

Tories Embroiled in New Election Law Breach Scandal
The London Economic | Tories Embroiled in New Election Law Breach Scandal | News