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Adrian Muck
Soil Map Unit Description from the RI Soil Survey Report Aa - Adrian muck. Link to Official Series … soils …
Hadj Hamma Tadjine
automatic buried objects detection in different soils based on active contours hadj hamma tadjine, clausthal university of technology,germany, tadjine@in.tu
Christine Alewell
11. Dezember 2008. Prof. Dr. Christine Alewell Geologisches Institut, Universität Basel, Schweiz. Highways and Byways in Soils
Andreas Gubler
Soils are a limited resource. Information about soils is needed to …s and monitor its quality and to ensure a sustainable soil management. The acquisition …
Christian Klettner
Harald Pauli, Michael Gottfried, Christian Klettner, Georg Grabherr: Soils as archives of natural and cultural history, examples from the Eastern Alps ...
Guido Schnabel
2/14/2008 . Blackberry Fungicide Labels & Use Restrictions . Guido Schnabel, Clemson University, Department of Entomology, Soils, and Plant Sciences, Clemson, …
Angela Ebeling
Evaluating Bray P1 . Evaluating Bray P1 on High pH, Calcareous Soils . on High pH, Calcareous Soils Angela Ebeling, Aaron Kittell, Dan Ebeling, Larry Bundy
Heinz Schnier
Ammonium Dynamics in Wetland Rice Soils: von Heinz-Friedrich Schnier, Gebundene Ausgabe, soils
Josef Kozak
FerdoBasic The Soils of Czech Republic Josef Kozak S.Goryachkin; P.Kras ilnikov; V.Targulian The Soils of Sri Lanka Ranjith BandaraMapa; Anil Dassanayake
Sonja Brodowski
Raimund Kösters, Anne Preger, Chris Du Preez, Sonja Brodowski, Wulf Amelung: Reaggregation of Secondary Grassland Top Soils in the South African Highveld: …
Peter Burauel
Soils as filter and buffer for pesticidesd experimental concepts to understand soil functions Peter Burauel *, Frauke Baßmann Institute of Chemistry and Dynamics …
Nicole Wrage
Lydie Chapuis-Lardy, Nicole Wrage, Aurelie Metay, Jean-Luc Chotte, Martial Bernoux. Global Change Biology, Vol. 13, No. 1. (January 2007), pp. 1-17. Soils are …
Kenji Ishihara
Material: Language: English: Liquefaction of Subsurface Soils During Earthquakes Kenji Ishihara Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 …
Heike Podey
Konrad, Articles, Jones, Kevin, 2002, ETH, SETAC Europe, Konrad Hungerbühler, Matthew MacLeod, Soils
Heinz-Detlef Gregor, Privatdozent @ Berlin
Heinz-Detlef Gregor, 98000, Heinz-detlef.gregor@uba.de, Critical Loads, Levels, UBA, Berlin, Germany, Nagel, Soils