News Talia Frenkel

(1 - 19 von 22

PokerStars players' Haiti relief donations pass $
[] - Credit Talia Frenkel/American Red Cross This is the largest single-country deployment in Red Cross Red Crescent history. So far, the relief workers have

Guardian: Brendan Gormley: 'I wasn't very charitable'

[The Guardian] - Photograph: Talia Frenkel/AFP/Getty Images The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Secretariat is rather a grand name for a small, slightly ramshackle

Google News: Donations to Haiti can now be deducted from taxes

[] - AP Photo/American Red Cross, Talia Frenkel The House of Representatives voted unanimously today to allow Americans making donations to Haiti earthquake

Google News: Órfãos preocupam agências humanitárias

[Jornal do Comércio] - Foto: Talia Frenkel/AFP/JC O paciente de cinco meses do hospital de campanha israelense é conhecido por um número em vez de um nome.

Haiti's health crisis deepens as recovery efforts continue
[USA Today] - By Talia Frenkel, AP By Luis Acosta, AFP/Getty Images By Mary Brophy Marcus, USA TODAY As the days roll into a week since a devastating earthquake in Haiti

Canadian aid to Haiti reaches $135-million
[National Post] - Handout/Talia Frenkel/AFP/Getty Images Canadian Red Cross nurse Suzanne Puzo removes bandages from Danise Diverge, 10, in Croix Desprez, Port-au-Prince

Penn State alumnus on the ground in Haiti helping lead relief efforts
[Penn State Live] - Photo: Talia Frenkel/American Red Cross Matt Marek, director of programs in Haiti for the American Red Cross and a Penn State alumnus, with Jonathan Romelus

Google News: 90 reddet fra ruinene

[Nordlys] - Foto: Talia Frenkel, Rød Kors/ANB FNs koordinasjonskontor for humanitære forhold melder at mer enn 90 mennesker har blitt reddet ut etter internasjonale

Cellphone donations to Haiti could be delayed
[National Post] - Talia Frenkel/AFP/Getty Images A Red Cross aid worker comforts a Haitian girl. People have been donating millions via cellphones but the money might not get

Google News: Rettungsbemühungen in Haiti kommen langsam voran

[Epoch Times Deutschland] - Foto: AP Photo/American Red Cross, Talia Frenkel Port-au-Prince (apn) Vier Tage nach der Erdbebenkatastrophe in Haiti kommen die Rettungsbemühungen

Google News: ハイチ大地震、物流が滞るなか必死の救助活動続く

[AFPBB News] - (c)AFP/AMERICAN RED CROSS/Talia Frenkel 【1月17日 AFP】大地震で壊滅的な被害を受けたハイチに多くの国が緊急支援を行っているなか、大量に流入する支援物資の

Google News: 아이티 도착 구호물자 배급에 난항...필사적 구조활동 전개

[AFPBB NEWS] - (c)AFP/AMERICAN RED CROSS/Talia Frenkel [포르토프랭스=AFP] 지진 대참사를 겪고 있는 아이티에서는 각국이 긴급지원을 펼치고 있으나, 대량으로 유입된 지원물자의

Move Over Trojans, Condoms Appeal to Crunchy Women - ABC News
According to a National Health Statistics Report, 62 percent of women of reproductive age use birth control and the most preferred methods are the pill...

Haiti nach dem Erdbeben (3) | Freie Presse
Suzanne Puzo entfernt Bandagen am Kopf eines verletzten Zehnjährigen.

Haiti: Von der Katastrophenhilfe zum Wiederaufbau - Erste Pläne für...
Der Hafen der haitianischen Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince ist wiederfreigeräumt und geöffnet, die Hilfsgüterlieferungen laufen inzwischen besser. Noch steht

Spenden: So spenden Sie sinnvoll - Wirtschaft -
Spenden: Woran Sie eine seriöse Organisation erkennen, wie viel von einer Spende wirklich ankommt und was von Internetspenden zu halten ist.

Für alle überall - Panorama - Gesellschaft - Tagesspiegel
Foto: Talia Frenkel/AFP - Foto: AFP. Ein Schweizer Kaufmann ahnte nicht, dass aus seiner Initiative einmal die größte Hilfsorganisation der ...

PRReport | Sorge um den Nachwuchs
Der PRREPORT ist das unabhängige Magazin für PR-Verantwortliche in Unternehmen, Organisationen und Verbänden sowie Agenturen und Dienstleister der...
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