Till Martini und Matrix Element Method Person-Info 

( Ich bin Till Martini)
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The Matrix Element Method as a tool for precision and ...CERN

von T Martini — Till Martini. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin — Phänomenologie der Elementarteilchenphysik. The European Physical Society Conference on High ... › event › MEMatNLO

Matter To The Deepest ( September 2015)

Slides · pdf file. 17:10, --- Discussion :15, The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order accuracy - Till Martini (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin).

QCD@LHC (22-August 26, 2016): Heavy quarks · Indico

SOE-E-2, Zurich. Till Martini. The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order QCD for single top-quark production at the LHC. 15: :05. SOE-E-2, Zurich.

Physics at the LHC and beyond (September 29, October 2, 2015)

Speakers. Till MARTINI. Primary authors. Till MARTINI (). Files. Slides · Martini.pdf. Abstract content. The Matrix Element Method (MEM) has proven beneficial to make maximal use of the information available in experimental data. However, so far it has been formulated only in Born approximation. In this talk ...