News Tomas Balkelis

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International Graduate Conference | UniTrento
The Fascist Labour Movement in Sweden '; Tomas Balkelis, 'Social Activism of the Baltic Paramilitary Movements during the Interwar Period'.

Remembrance of the First World War in Interwar Europe. In search for...
Dr. Tomas Balkelis (Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Stanford University, United States), Prof. Dr. Ruth Leiserowitz ...

War, Revolution and Freedom: The Baltic Countries in the 20th Century...
The War for Independence of Latvia and the United States; Tomas Balkelis, Vilnius University. Paramilitarism in Lithuania: Violence, Civic ...

Ethnic Relations in the Baltic Reconsidered ConferenceYale University
— Tomas Balkelis (Lithuanian Institute of History) “Dividing Society: The Impact of Border Making between Lithuania and Poland, ” › event
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Tomas Balkelis
Laurence Brown
Vorname "Tomas" (4758)
Name "Balkelis" (1)