Barbara Trauboth-Kurth Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barbara Trauboth-Kurth)


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CNN - Dad who kidnapped his kids in gets probation - May 28, 1999
The money will be donated to the New England Home for Little Wanderers, a charity chosen by his ex-wife, Barbara Kurth, the mother of the ...

Mother will 'always love' daughters taken 19 years ago - CNN
— FRAMINGHAM, Massachusetts (CNN) -- Barbara Kurth says she will always love the daughters taken 19 years ago by her ex-husband in a custody ... › father.found...

CNN - Man accused of kidnapping daughters released on cash bond -...
The girls' mother, who uses her maiden name, Barbara Kurth, has denied the charges and her attorney said they have never been proven in ...

Mother now faces new torment
— BOSTON -- Barbara Kurth walked away from a bitter divorce with $ from her ex-husband -- a boon for a former coat-check girl ... › state ›
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Barbara Trauboth-Kurth
Barbara Kurth
Vorname "Barbara" (58409)
Name "Trauboth-Kurth" (1)
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