True Lies und Terminator Person-Info 

( Ich bin True Lies)
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Arnold Schwarzenegger prépare les Jumeaux 2
[Jeux Actu MUSIQUE] - Alors que tout le monde pensait que le come-back d'Arnold Schwarzenegger serait marqué par un True Lies 2, une suite au film Predator ou encore un Running Man 2 (quelle horreur!), Arnold a été confirmé pour Terminator 5.

Google News: Pale Imitations

[American Spectator] - I suppose Ahnuld's True Lies, available daily on more cable channels than Antiques Roadshow, holds some attraction for those who prefer watching The Terminator machine-gun bad guys to the original French farce. Jamie Lee Curtis's considerable

Arnold Schwarzenegger torna al cinema con Terminator 5
[] - Negli scorsi mesi sono nati diversi rumor su un possibile sequel di True Lies e su un remake di Predator, ma a febbraio la Universal ha annunciato il proprio interesse nel dare nuovamente linfa vitale alla franchise di Terminator con un nuovo progetto

He is back via 'Cry Macho'
[The Nation, Pakistan] - On the same occasion, he also talked about rumors of “True Lies” sequel as well as the next “Terminator” film. “The idea of a True Lies sequel has been around since the early 2000s, but then happened and we didn't do it because it had to do with a