Udo Brockhausen und Karl Schlögl Person-Info 

( Ich bin Udo Brockhausen)
(1 - 7 von 7

Un Plan Marshall pentru Ucraina, finanţat de oligarhi. Kievul nu vede...

Aceasta ar trebui să fie condusă de un „triumvirat“ austro-german - Michael Spindelegger, Karl Schlögl, Udo Brockhausen – iar alte opt personalităţi europene vor ocupa poziţii conducere, între acestea germanii Peer Steinbrück , Günter Verheugen, Rupert Scholz, Peter Mandelson (Marea Britanie), Vlodzimierz Czymoszevicz (Polonia

Spindeleggers neuer Job: Die Modernisierung der Ukraine

— ... so Spindelegger - "Udo Brockhausen und auch Karl Schlögl, den sie aus Österreich kennen." Brockhausen ist ein deutscher Unternehmer mit ... › politik › inland › spindelegger-wird-d...

Former Austrian vice chancellor to head new Ukrainian modernization...

Spindelegger confirmed on Tuesday that in fact there will be three directors of the agency in total, including Austrian politician Karl Schloegl, and German entrepreneur Udo Brockhausen, who has close ties with Ukraine. He said the modernization program is a private initiative, not a state-sponsored one, and those involved ...