Valerie Zeithaml Person-Info 

( Ich bin Valerie Zeithaml)


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Driving Customer Equity: How Customer Lifetime Value Is Reshaping...
Valerie Zeithaml ist als Autorin von Service Quality für methodisch fundiertes Wissen, das sie stets anschaulich darstellt, noch ein Begriff. Driving Customer ...

Valerie Zelthaml | Mays Impacts - Mays Business SchoolTexas A&M University
... Its Implications for Future Research,” is co-authored by former Mays faculty members Valerie Zeithaml, now at the UNC-Chapel Hill, and A. Parasuraman, ... › news › tag

Distinguished University Professor | Maryland SmithUniversity of Maryland
— He is the author of eight books, including Driving Customer Equity with Valerie Zeithaml and Katherine Lemon, which won the Berry-AMA ... › di...

Personal "Touch" Portfolio (PTP)Baylor University
— Gupta, Sunil and Valerie Zeithaml (2006), "Client Metrics and Their Impact on Financial Performance," Marketing Science, 25 (6), › news
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