Yoon-Woo Lee und Samsung Electronics Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yoon-Woo Lee)
(1 - 32 von 37

Samsung Electronics reorganizes businesses - CIO.de

The new Device Solution Business will be headed by Yoon-woo Lee who also continues as the CEO and Vice Chairman of the company.

Economía/Empresas.- Samsung Electronics nombra consejero delegado y ...

Samsung Electronics ha nombrado consejero delegado y vicepresidente del grupo a Yoon-Woo Lee, que reemplazará a Jong-Yong Yun, quien ha dirigido Samsung Electronics

Samsung to collaborate with Microsoft on green IT technology | Samsung ...

Following a meeting in Seoul today between the Vice Chairman and CEO of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, Yoon-Woo Lee, and the CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, Samsung

Samsung Electronics ernennt neue Führungsspitze - Aktuelle News ...

Yoon-Woo Lee bleibt ... „Samsung hat sich unter der Führung von Yoon-Woo Lee und dank einer ...