Katherine Zeserson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katherine Zeserson)


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Guardian: Live music outside the classroom | School Trips | The Guardian

This month has seen the launch of the National Year of Music, a celebration of all things sonic for children. Concert venues, radio stations and arts centres...

kultur-speicher.de - Symposium, 20. März :

Katherine Zeserson, Director of Learning and Participation, Sage Gateshead, UK Prof. Dr. Gunter Kreutz, Department of Music, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Prof. Stephen Clift, Sidney de Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK Jane W. Davidson, Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, The University ...

BBC Radio 3 - Choir and Organ, Moira Smiley, Faure Requiem

Sara Mohr-Pietsch meets vocalist Moira Smiley, who performs in the studio.

BBC Radio 3 - Choir and Organ, Young People Singing

Aled Jones looks at some new ways being used to encourage young people to join choirs.
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