Adam Goldschmidt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adam Goldschmidt)


Guardian: The Tidal Zone by Sarah Moss review – a portrait of parental anxiety...

With the NHS a central theme, this story about the effect of a child’s illness on her family is a novel for our times

*indiebooks* Aktuelle Titel aus Indie-Verlagen / Frühjahr |...
In wenigen Tagen ist Indiebookday. Am Samstag, den 30. März 2019, um genau zu sein. An diesem Tag sind alle buchbegeisterten Menschen aufgefordert, eine...

“One of the best British novelists”: Warwick’s Sarah Moss releases...
The story is told through the gaze of Adam Goldschmidt, a stay at home dad of two and jobbing academic, who's writing a book on the post-War ...
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