News Albert Koehl

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Dieser Elefant wurde zu Tode gearbeitet • NEWS.AT
Warum Elefantenkuh Sambo sterben musste - eine bewegende Tiergeschichte.

Legal crusaders lead a quiet fight for cyclists and pedestrians | The...
Albert Koehl and Patrick Brown worked together to persuade the Ontario Coroner to issue two landmark reports this year on cycling and ...

Albert Koehl - The Globe and Mail
Forget how: It's about why we keep the lights on

Torontonian of the year nominee: Albert Koehl | CBC News
For the second year in a row, CBC Radio's Metro Morning is on the lookout for the Torontonian of the year. Albert Koehl, a cycling advocate and environmental...

Zugvögel in Kanada: Vogelschlag in Toronto - Bildergalerien -...
Anwalt Albert Koehl von Ecojustice vor dem Toronto-Dominion Center (T-DC), an dem viele Vögel zu Tode gekommen sind. An dem Glaskorridor, vor …

Walking the edge of Toronto in five days and 175,000 steps | The Star
On a wickedly frigid November morning, Toronto lawyer Albert Koehl laced up his new hiking shoes, zipped his yellow jacket over a carefully ...

Toronto learns the cost of free parking - The Globe and Mail
The controversial Rover app is revealing the bad economics of subsidizing spots in Canada’s largest city

Öl und Umwelt: Steuergeld für BP und Co,
Laut Albert Koehl von der kanadischen Organisation »Ecojustice« hat die Regierung des Landes in den vergangenen zwei Jahren genausoviel Geld für Öl- und ...

Why we mourn fallen cyclists - The Globe and Mail
Road deaths, it seems, are a routine part of our road system, and society has become adept at erasing all of the evidence

Albert Koehl
1) What do you see as the top issue impacting the City of Toronto? Efficient transportation. The consequences of our neglect of the transit ...

Opinion: Fast lane to safer cycling - The Globe and Mail
Ontario should step in to help beleaguered cyclists and city politicians, says Albert Koehl

FOCUS (JUNE 2016): An early advocate for bike lanes
Albert Koehl is an environmental lawyer, writer, and co-founder of Bells on Bloor. He is writing a book on climate change and sustainable ...

A pilot bike lane for Bloor Street
Make cycling safer in Toronto. By Joe Cressy and Albert Koehl. Many people fear change, even when research suggests they should welcome ...

Bloor Street business owner supports bike lanes with exceptions for...
As four city councillors began listening to arguments for and against installing bike lanes on Bloor Street, one local business owner and cyclist has proposed...

That free parking spot in Hamilton never really is |
Hamilton looks awash in free parking – at malls, plazas, corner stores, shops, rec centres, schools, workplaces and on most streets. Albert Koehl has done the...

The History & Future of Bike Lanes on Bloor: Panel Discussion | Cycle...
Register to attend our free panel discussion Bloor St is the lifeblood of Toronto - a vibrant strip of restaurants, commerce, university hangouts, and...

Kerzner, Deuschl To Receive HSMAI Lifetime Achievement Awards
13 Oct Sol Kerzner, founder, chairman and CEO of Kerzner International Holdings Limited, will be recognized with the Albert E. Koehl Award, ...