News Andreas Haegele

(1 - 13 von 13
) Das Finale: (Beinahe) weihnachtliche Leserfotos - DER SPIEGEL

Andreas Haegele grüßt alle SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Leser. Womit wir wieder auf sicherem Grund wären. Die Statue steht wahrscheinlich in seinem ...

Gemalto launches LTE Cat. M1 wireless module to enable new IoT use...
1 and VoLTE Cat. 1 solutions ensure that highly efficient 4G connectivity is available for every type of IoT application," said Andreas Haegele, ...

GEMALTO : Intègre la technologie de Qualcomm à sa gamme de ...
... de grandes quantités de données », a commenté pour sa part Andreas Haegele, directeur du portefeuille de produits M2M chez Gemalto.

Gemalto ermöglicht schnelle und kostengünstige Konzipierung und...
... die aktuell mit der Integration großer Datenmengen zu kämpfen haben", so Andreas Haegele, Leiter des M2M Product Portfolio bei Gemalto.

Global LTE Connectivity with an All-in-One IoT › story › global-lte-connectiv...
· ... shop for cellular IoT connectivity, no matter where your IoT solutions are deployed or where they move," said Gemalto's Andreas Haegele.

Sequans and Gemalto revolutionize IoT connectivity with first genuine...
World first demonstration at GSMA Mobility Live! highlights greatly improved efficiencyand significantly reduced complexity of LTE-M Amsterdam - October…

Gemalto запустила беспроводной модуль LTE Cat. M1
Компания Gemalto запустила передовую разработку для решений IoT — беспроводной модуль LTE Cat. M1. Новое решение Cinterion LTE Cat. M1 возводит эффективность...

Gemalto helps simplify and secure IoT connectivity to the AT&T...
... that is driving innovation and improved security across the whole lifecycle of devices, said Andreas Haegele, SVP IoT Products, Gemalto.

Rohde & Schwarz collaborates with Gemalto to minimize multi-region...
Rohde & Schwarz is collaborating with wireless module vendor Gemalto to overcome the problem of extensive real network drive tests in different countries. The...

Thales Demonstrates IoT Building Blocks At CES | Printed...
Thales was recognized as the

Gemalto LTE-M IoT technology paves the way for widespread
Verizon certifies Gemalto LTE-M platform that delivers highly efficient 4G IoT connectivity Provides compatibility with Gemalto's On Demand Connectivity...

Gemalto acelera inovação em IoT com nova ferramenta de prototipagem...
O novo Cinterion® Connect Shield complementa o amplo kit de ferramentas de desenvolvedor da Gemalto projetado para conectar, proteger e monetizar uma nova espécie de soluções IoT, disse Andreas Haegele, vice-presidente sênior da linha de empresas de produtos de IoT da Gemalto. Estamos ...

Sequans and Gemalto revolutionize IoT connectivity with
World first demonstration at GSMA Mobility Live! highlights greatly improved efficiency and significantly reduced complexity of LTE-M...